- Chernobylite - Gameplay Trailer
looks interesing
ID: h1mpohiID: h1mvez1Sounds like stalker.
ID: h1mrhq7plus building, crafting and an open world with a narrative like BOTW(?) (meaning you can tackle the story however and in any order you want)
Not great, not terrible.
ID: h1nhimd3.6 roentgen
ID: h1n7wefYou're delusional
ID: h1n9jdyHe's quoting the HBO miniseries Chernobyl.
50,000 people used to live here.....
ID: h1njtnkFuck that ferris wheel
ID: h1nedj5Now it’s a ghost town.
Wait, wasn't this a confirmed Xbox exclusive? Or am I just not remembering correctly.
ID: h1muzoeWe're u thinking about stalker?
ID: h1mvc5qIs this not part of the Stalker franchise? Or is this a new IP?
ID: h1ms1l1i see videos from 2019 saying it'll be on PS4
ID: h1ms3jmExclusive for 1 or 2 year's or something.
ID: h1muenhNo problem for me, many games need several months of patching these days to get good. And I'll return their favour by waiting for a sale, no way I'll pay full price for a former timed exclusive...
ID: h1ms6b3Oh, my bad.
Why is Bane from Batman your advisor?
Does it have a bunch of incredibly annoying hipster tourists that you can kill. I'd be up for that.
This e3 is obsessed with Chernobyl. Seems to be the theme of this year.
Graphics and gameplay camera looks dated as hell
Na I'm good.
I'm so torn on this. One half looks amazing with great atmosphere and the other looks cheesy as hell and a bit crappy.
Looked cute until it turned into a FPS.
Only says PS4 at the end, so no PS5?
3.6 roentgen
ID: h1nwwbmNot great, not terrible.
Patiently waiting
Wow this looks pretty terrible.
supernatural Metro without the metro. I'm down.