AMD’s OWN RTX Voice !? | Taking a look AMD’s Voice Filtering idea!

1 : Anonymous2021/06/20 19:35 ID: o4d7c2
AMD's OWN RTX Voice !? | Taking a look AMD's Voice Filtering idea!
2 : Anonymous2021/06/20 20:26 ID: h2gqjwl

RTX voice is trash.

ID: h2gqq3t

No its not. It actually performs great and does its job. At least hate on something worth hating

ID: h2h5p6u

It's not exactly revolutionary tech. Real-time background noise suppression has been around for a long time, but I guess it takes Nvidia marketing to get the tech youtubers to take a look at it. If I remember correctly, when it first came out it didn't even make use of the GPU and if you disabled their software check, you could even use it with an AMD card (nevermind the fact that it ran on the CPU in the first place).

ID: h2gs0us

No one who has an RTX card uses RTX voice

It does cancel background noises fantastically however it also cuts voices in and out and makes everyone sound choppy.

There are even threads on /

where not a single user will say its good and dozens of people saying it sucks

/comments/l94i8b/am_i_the_only_one_who_found_rtx_voice_to_be/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

ID: h2gy9kj

Personally don't like it either. People just need to stop buying condenser mics for Discord and get a proper dynamic mic

ID: h2h14qz

Careful if something has AI in front of it and you criticize it on reddit people will send u death threats & downvote you.

ID: h2h2ltx

I'd prefer if modern mics and headsets came with two or more mics to do beam-forming, a multi-decade old technique somewhat similar to a reverse triangulation, where every individual noise in a room can be isolated so long as they are significantly distant from each-other.

Bats manage to do this naturally with their echo-location, and I suspect the same happens within our audio-processing brain-parts too.

It'd allow people to do without wearing the mics on their head. One in each corner of the monitor for instance would be an overly engineered ideal, there would be little benefit from more than three microphones. One top-center, and one in the middle of each side though would work nicely.


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