Dota 2 1440P In Depth FSR Screenshot Comparison Sliders (with RIS sharpening)

1 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:47 ID: o6tt6g
Dota 2 1440P In Depth FSR Screenshot Comparison Sliders (with RIS sharpening)
2 : Anonymous2021/06/24 06:35 ID: h2uxqwq

how can native+60% ris be less sharp than fsr 90% + 10% ris lol

something funky is going on

ID: h2uy37p

the sharpening done with FSR is done much better than the RIS one.

Also 60% sharpening + 90%scale FSR is probably over 100% RIS sharpening.

Compare the 60% RIS native vs 90% FSR + 10% scaling and its close but FSR wins.

At 80% + 10% its about same as native + 60% I call this a tie.

80% FSR + 60% RIS looks better than native + 60% but going down to 70% FSR there is a slight degradation in quality on 1440p and on my 6800xt I couldn't justify it.

RIS is a one size fits all approuch where FSR's is much better.

However FSR doesn't have control on how sharp it makes it.

If you look at Rift Breaker the AMD fidelity FX sharpening option in game looks god tier but its disabled when u enable FSR.

FSR looks better than native but native + Fidelity FX sharpening looks better than FSR in that game.

However 60% RIS + Ultra Quality looks identicle to Native + Fidelity FX sharpening.

When u drop to quality there is slight blur on the grass though in Riftbreaker. Its not a game changing thing and I only notice it if I try to compare the 2.

Considering I have a 6800xt I don't use Quality in Riftbreaker or ultra quality but if they improve the ray tracing I would use ultra quality + RT (I don't even notice the RT like at all)

In Dota I use 99% FSR

If I had a lower end GPU I would use Ultra Quality atleast in everything.

ID: h2vw2zw

Because of the FSR edge reconstruction pass probably...

3 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:53 ID: h2ups5a

Dare I say, it looks better than native? lol

Do one without RIS.

ID: h2upxkw

People have already shown a few presets I just wanted to do for every 10% scaling and took 14 screenshots of with 10% RIS vs 60% RIS at every 10% scaling.

The issue with testing no RIS vs RIS is I have to reboot the game to enable or disable RIS but u can just drag the bar to increase/decrease it.

IMO FSR needs a tiny bit of sharpening (I run RIS in every game even on native resolution anyways)

ID: h2vvxou

FSR already has sharpening aka RCAS aka Robust Contrast-Adaptive Sharpening

ID: h2venbr

I run RIS generally too, what % you think is good to set globally so you can sharpen games but not over sharpen stuff running at 4k with AA for example

4 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:56 ID: h2uq1px

why does it look better with fsr when you zoom in.

ID: h2uqdzh

Sharpening. A lot of games on PC can benefit from a small bit of sharpening even when no upscaling is involved.

ID: h2uwo9h

Because most games are using FXAA or similar method, which achieves good AA but blurs the image that can be compensated with image sharpening.

If I remember correctly the sharpening in FSR and RIS are concentrating on different characteristic of the image.

ID: h2v9oq7

Yeah horizon is a good example of that. If you enable TAA it allows u to add sharpness. Only 10% makes it so much better!

ID: h2ur5l0

FSR does sharpening really well. Infact I cannot get native to look as good as 90% FSR even when i compare Native + 100% RIS it doesn't look as good as FSR 90% with 10% RIS or even no RIS.

5 : Anonymous2021/06/24 11:31 ID: h2vh4bn

Wow, those are impressive results.

6 : Anonymous2021/06/24 15:52 ID: h2wb1r3

Between Native +10% RIS and Native +60%, I see no difference. RIS is really enabled before a reboot of the game ?

7 : Anonymous2021/06/24 04:50 ID: h2upicx

Do not use ris with fsr

ID: h2uprnh

You can, it sharpens it further yet. If you like it crispy.

ID: h2ups18

IMO FSR isn't sharp enough

I think it looks best with 60% but I posted some with 10% and with 60%.

I can post screenshots with no RIS if you want too but its harder to test because I need to reset the game to enable/disable RIS but once RIS is on u can just move the slider to change its level.

ID: h2uskqv

There is no reason not to

8 : Anonymous2021/06/24 08:48 ID: h2v6an2

What is RIS?

ID: h2v6vu6

Radeon Image Sharpening.

9 : Anonymous2021/06/24 17:34 ID: h2wozet

Are you sure, RIS was even working here? Because I can't see any difference between native +10% RIS and native +60% RIS or FSR 50%/RIS10% vs FSR50%/RIS60% and usually the difference between 10% RIS and 60% RIS is pretty huge.

If RIS was disabled before you started the game, the toggle and slider won't do anything ingame, you'd have to start the game with RIS already toggled on.


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