AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution on Marvel’s Avengers (Ryzen 5 2600X | GTX 1660 6GB | 16GB RAM). FSR is amazing, what’s your thoughts?

1 : Anonymous2021/07/17 21:28 ID: omd66b
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution on Marvel's Avengers (Ryzen 5 2600X | GTX 1660 6GB | 16GB RAM). FSR is amazing, what's your thoughts?
2 : Anonymous2021/07/17 21:35 ID: h5k4j31

It needs to be in more games, that's my thoughts

ID: h5k6e8v

It can be as it's very easy to implement. All information is given by AMD and it's completely open source. Both Unity and Unreal have it ready to switch on. It's up to the developer of the game running those engines to flip the switch. The great thing is, hundreds of developers are already testing FSR. It's a win for both team red and team green.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/17 22:29 ID: h5kan3p

In dota 2 I didn't notice framerate change with it because I'm beefed out, but I totally appreciate the technology, and am happy for all those 5 fps folks who will now be able to play at 20 at least. Knowing state of computers people play this damned game on, I really am.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/17 21:42 ID: h5k59hb

I was given this game for free a year ago. Haven’t touched it since.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/17 21:48 ID: h5k5yw0

I can’t get around this looks like a high res skin for apex legends

6 : Anonymous2021/07/17 21:50 ID: h5k64l2

Does FRS support RX570 and RX580?

ID: h5k6mtr

Yes. You can even run it on older GPU. It's not hardware dependant. It's all software.

ID: h5k7mas

Well games are also software ;>

7 : Anonymous2021/07/17 22:58 ID: h5kdwuo

What resolution are you playing on?

ID: h5kexdb

1920x1200, that's my monitor resolution as of now.

ID: h5kj097

Huh? So you think it's really good? People say it's unusable below 1440p

8 : Anonymous2021/07/17 22:38 ID: h5kbncl

Kid: "Mom, can we get some DLSS?"

Mom: "No, we have DLSS at home."

DLSS at home: FSR

ID: h5ke4ib

Mom "No, DLSS is propriotary and only available to graphics cards no one can get hold of"

ID: h5kifiq

Then everyone clapped

9 : Anonymous2021/07/17 23:21 ID: h5kge6k

balanced and perfomance look so bad holy shit, I'd never take 30fps if the game then looks like this.

ID: h5kgnjs

Ultra Quality is the way to go, if you ask me.

ID: h5kgqdp

Looks so bad it won’t even render the character

10 : Anonymous2021/07/17 23:43 ID: h5kiywn

I don't want to give Marvel any of my money, so really waiting to see this improve games that do actual ray tracing...

That's kind of the only way AMD ray tracing is viable in the current market, unless the game is developed for RT on AMD.


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