Props to the devs for making a very realistic game like this.

1 : Anonymous2021/10/28 05:09 ID: qhfk6v
Props to the devs for making a very realistic game like this.
2 : Anonymous2021/10/28 13:58 ID: hidqo7l

I know it's an old clip, but that dude's "seriously?" face will never not make me laugh.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/28 15:41 ID: hie5ibm

Lol. This happens in GTA 3 Liberty City as well.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:29 ID: hievfhs

The NPC that was punching is actually a security guard, so it kind of makes sense that the police would side with him.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:39 ID: hiff0b7


6 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:41 ID: hiff9u6


7 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:52 ID: hifh0xr

Black person simulator

8 : Anonymous2021/10/28 21:20 ID: hifl3vx

I think people are forgetting that the character is a gangster who kills people and pushes people out of their cars and steals them lol

9 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:40 ID: hifvwof


10 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:47 ID: hifwull

This happened to me but it was the ballas shooting at me and the police just ran away

11 : Anonymous2021/10/28 23:07 ID: hifzjub

Gotdamn his face says it ALL.

I truly hope they do NOT patch this in the remaster. Want streamers to test it, and have to discuss it in the chat.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:30 ID: hicng9e


13 : Anonymous2021/10/28 21:26 ID: hiflvpi

To be fair we don't know what happened before he recorded.


14 : Anonymous2021/10/28 07:21 ID: hicr936

That's just the way it is

15 : Anonymous2021/10/28 07:29 ID: hicrv64

Things will never be the same.

16 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:32 ID: hid4sn2

That's just the way it is (way it is)

Aww yeah

17 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:34 ID: hidg6mf

Eh, I don’t know about that, it’s not that realistic, said busted, not wasted.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:00 ID: hiehrcr

Lol reddit hates cops until they need them

19 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:20 ID: hiczheb

God i wish Rockstar would fix their mobile ports on Google play.

20 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:23 ID: hideyvx

They did it again in GTA 5 where police is only easily agitated when you're playing as Franklin. I don't think it's offensive in the game when it's unfortunately accurate.

21 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:27 ID: hidfgf3

Mafia 3 coded in something similar. So white areas had more police and faster response times than black areas / ghettos. Accurate details, good devs put this stuff in imo.

22 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:51 ID: hidi42q

It's a good thing imo because it teaches kids (I know it's an adult game but kids always find their way to playing GTA) about unfair treatment when they're playing the game from the perspective of a black person. It's actually an excellent teaching tool.

23 : Anonymous2021/10/28 08:49 ID: hicxe9u

Is this an old GTA or some knock off?

24 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:02 ID: hicy9yf

It's San Andreas

25 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:06 ID: hidd62h

Ah okay. It’s funny the police just sit there lol in GTA V if you accidentally step I’m front of them it’s a full on chase. They ran me off the road once into the water and I got out and started swimming and 3 cop cars came vaulting over the cliff into the water and wasted me.

26 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:14 ID: hicz485

How old are you if I may ask?

27 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:59 ID: hid2ay9

imagine not recognising gta sa, this dude must be around 14 or 15

28 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:49 ID: hid1ktg

Kids be kids. No foul though. Can't expect them to know everything before they were born pretty much

29 : Anonymous2021/10/28 09:40 ID: hid0vwo

Jeezez —__—

30 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:21 ID: hid3w6m

Police brutality

31 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:55 ID: hid6m4u

It's not the game that is bugged, it is society.

32 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:55 ID: hid6nqk

FYI his name is Thamer and he is famous on TikTok and Instagram : Xzit_Thamer

33 : Anonymous2021/10/28 11:54 ID: hidbzqv

Oh nooooo

34 : Anonymous2021/10/28 13:15 ID: hidl21b

Did the cops ever react to people attacking you? I don't think they did but maybe I'm just not remembering.

35 : Anonymous2021/10/28 13:27 ID: hidmldr

Same happened to me IRL

36 : Anonymous2021/10/28 13:30 ID: hidmxhv

Since everyone want me to elaborate. I was standing in the middle of the road, in front of a cop car. The police just sat in their car looking at me like «What the fuck» So this guy with a turqoise blue shirt charged at me with both fists, hitting me straight in the face. I hit back. Cops came out and shot me.

37 : Anonymous2021/10/28 13:39 ID: hido3vm

Big oof

38 : Anonymous2021/10/28 14:44 ID: hidx3uy

Too true

39 : Anonymous2021/10/28 15:17 ID: hie1wwq

That reaction. “rub it in why don’t you?”

40 : Anonymous2021/10/28 16:39 ID: hieecva

I never forget the time I was trying to be civil while driving the car. One time I stopped because of a red light. While I was patiently waiting for it to become green, a police bike rammed into my side while trying to quickly pass me on my right, probably to catch some criminal. What got me baffled was as the cop hit my car, I got wanted by the police. The cop then decided to hunt me down.

41 : Anonymous2021/10/28 16:56 ID: hieh21q


42 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:02 ID: hiei2dn

Unrealistic, the arrested gimmick they didn’t kill him

43 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:31 ID: hievtt7

They make this joke like every day on


44 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:41 ID: hiexbir

Man I can’t wait to get protected and served in 4K

45 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:46 ID: hif74r3

Ah, Rockstar Logic

46 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:27 ID: hifd8dv

I love this guy from the videos. Always find him funny

47 : Anonymous2021/10/28 22:34 ID: hifv5xn

Oh I've done this for hours in GTA IV. Got a helicopter, flew to the prison, landed, walk up to a inmate and just keep walking up against them. At one point they'll become hostile, i run towards a guard, guard becomes hostile towards inmate and I believe they would either attack them or arrest them but I can't remember tbh.

48 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:55 ID: hidimc1

This game is fucking trash

49 : Anonymous2021/10/28 11:44 ID: hidb0hr
50 : Anonymous2021/10/28 14:49 ID: hidxwet

Wow is the game realize racism huh that’s facts for ya

51 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:26 ID: hid4bge

CJ you busta


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