Adult gamers on different sides of the world try to fit work, family and game time all into one life. Its tough, gents.

1 : Anonymous2021/10/28 11:58 ID: qhldu1
Adult gamers on different sides of the world try to fit work, family and game time all into one life. Its tough, gents.
2 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:01 ID: hidcns7

I agree, if my frnds think they can get rid of me because the placement of the sun ha! Memes don't care about sundials.

ID: hidcqjw

Memes don't care about sundials.


3 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:41 ID: hidh0a1

I had a gamer friend in Dubai who would set his alarm to like 3am to play with the crew. He couldn’t do it often but when he did it was awesome.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:26 ID: hidfcxa

I have the same issue and i live in the same city with my friends, it's just different schedules

5 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:18 ID: hif2wjd

I met a dude in 2009 on as we were both trophy hunters. He lives in Arizona and I lived in PA at the time. We still play together at 35/39. It's tough now though because he's 2-3 hours behind depending on day light savings so I can't even imagine the other side of the world haha

6 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:39 ID: hif60i0

I completely understand bro.. like 7 of my closest friends and I are all in a group chat and we hardly ever have the time to actually game together or even just hang out or plan anything.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/28 19:44 ID: hif6r2u

pfft I have to drink shots in the morning to attend my friends' zoom parties

8 : Anonymous2021/10/28 23:08 ID: hifzll1

And the one hour you can play is also the games regularly scheduled maintenance...

9 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:40 ID: hidgvto

Organic friendship. Rare in today's world.

ID: hidhab9

Gatta seek it out. Good things rarely just fall into your lap.

ID: hidp6im

What about that lady that had the duffel bag full of cocaine and cash fall in her deiveway?

ID: hidqe6n

Judging the friendship of two complete random strangers by reading 6 lines of text on the internet... SMH.

10 : Anonymous2021/10/28 14:18 ID: hidtcvg

Geez that's like a modern Romeo and Juliet but without the suicide.

ID: hie66up


11 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:23 ID: hifclhy

I love playing with my aussie friend. Met him on wow like 12 years ago and we still link up and play, 15 hour time difference ain't shit.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/28 23:44 ID: hig4ann

Gonna be real, I think Discord is the reason why I still have friends.


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