Housemarque win best game at Develop Stars awards for Returnal

1 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:11 ID: qh7zen
Housemarque win best game at Develop Stars awards for Returnal
2 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:24 ID: hib1pxt

The sound design alone is award worthy. This game with headphones on is brilliant.

ID: hicn2rm

Yeah, absolutely.

Not just great SFX, but it's the benchmark for 3D audio. For ages, I couldn't find the release for one if the common locked doors in Biome 1. Then played with headphones on and instantly could pinpoint exactly where to look.

ID: hieoouj

I have a hyperx cloud alpha headset, would I be alright plugging into the controllers or would lose sound quality? Would Sony headset sound better?

ID: hidffeg

At one poiny passing by the house would send shivers down my spine. Those house sequences were very atmospheric

ID: hid6d1r

It sets up the atmosphere perfectly. Releasing the game without photo mode felt like a crime. All new first party titles moving forward should in include a low level API interface for photo mode.

ID: hie4vrw

At the end of the day we all want good games. Photo Mode can wait because if the game gets released in a badly optimized form it wouldn't make sense to have it if the games is bad. Just let them do their thing and don't force this on them because they owe you nothing until you buy the game and you can check it out before buying...

ID: hie64p0

Photo mode is called via an API?

3 : Anonymous2021/10/28 04:34 ID: hicddzu

Won't be the last GOTY award they get I feel. What an incredible game Returnal is, honestly.

ID: hif3ly9

Definitely my GOTY. I really love Deathloop and the design of it the more that I play, but it just doesn’t deliver on those heart pounding moments where you barely squeak by a boss with just a single pip of health left like Returnal masterfully did. Beating that game felt incredible.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:26 ID: hiba3c5

It’s my GOTY by far. Nothing else came close for me this year. Fantastic experience.

ID: hibrhio

The Nemesis and Hyperion fight sealed the deal for me.

ID: hidgc2r

The organ music reaching a crescendo as I ascend the tower gets me every time.

ID: hie9d9s

The Hyperion fight is hands down the best boss fight I’ve ever played in my 30 years of gaming. The game is just wonderful.

ID: hid00w7

100%. I’m playing Deathloop now. It’s a great game, but Returnal is just a whole other experience.

ID: hibmsxr

I'm playing Metroid Dread right now and I think that will surpass it for me. On just PS5 I would agree.

ID: hibrpdw

I tried Dread. Couldn’t keep me interested unfortunately.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/28 01:42 ID: hibsdr7

Well deserved. Such a polished, carefully crafted game, in almost every aspect.

ID: hic4tut

The movement is so buttery smooth

6 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:24 ID: hib1pk7

Please, Sony. DLC when?

ID: hib7gaw

2 new biomes is all I ask for

ID: hib8d8y

Eh I love it but they take a while on games and I’ll be more than happy to just wait on the next one

7 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:49 ID: hibd2lm

Well deserved, I hope Returnal gets numerous GOTY nominations and wins because it fully deserves it.

ID: hicy2ru

Yup, hopefully this is the first of many to come. It's a phenomenal experience and my GOTY.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:06 ID: hiclk6g

Totally deserved, Returnal is incredible. One of the very best games I've ever played in terms of raw gameplay quality -- movement and combat are just so incredibly smooth, responsive, and satisfying. The story and aesthetic are excellent as well. Just a great game overall that could easily win multiple GOTY awards in my opinion

9 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:10 ID: hib7wai

Huge congrats to them for this, Returnal absolutely deserves this. Incredibly designed and mysterious game, and that soundtrack is so dam good.

ID: hickl20

Needs more cowbell

10 : Anonymous2021/10/28 03:00 ID: hic2sno

Should I play this game with headphones or 5.1 surround?

ID: hic4rqj


ID: hicy6be

Definitely headphones. Has the best 3D audio implementation I have ever experienced in a game.

ID: hiduyab

You should try Hellblade, omg, the best soundscape game I have played on any system

ID: hidpeyc

Headphones, in the dark, 100%. But I did enjoy the slithery-slurpy noises coming out of the controller when I played without my headphones.

11 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:22 ID: hib1egi

Started olay it again yesterday (thank you, suspend cycle patch) and I forgot just how damn good it plays.

Kinda amazing that it plays so much like Next Machina, just in 3D.

12 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:16 ID: hicmd24

Most frustrating and rewarding game I have played in years. Loved every second of it, especially the parts I hated.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:29 ID: hibadwz

After update 2.0 it’s no question that Returnal is GOTY contender. Psychonauts 2 and Metroid Dread are up there too.

ID: hibhy7b

Wasn't that update just a save and quit function? Like the bare minimum feature even the smallest indie devs know to add? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they got to it half a year later, but you'd think a major version update would have included a whole host of improvements rather than like photo mode and one basic feature.

ID: hibitb2

Wait that actually got added in?

14 : Anonymous2021/10/28 02:22 ID: hibxtog

Of course. Ps5 exclusive. Next gen. Cross gen games I don't even put my faith anymore.. returnal was the bestof the year for sure.

ID: hidvp44

So you won’t be playing The new God of War or Horizon Zero Dawn? Next Gen is a bit of a made up term, gameplay is king regardless of when the game released or what system it was designed for.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/28 04:38 ID: hicdrra

Well deserved!

16 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:57 ID: hibe7xe

I wish I played this first before hades. I’m loving returnal but after playing hades (which might be one of my all time favorite game) I can’t really get the energy to play

ID: hibiw2c

Hades is a lot more laborious IMO.

ID: hibk3p1

How come? I plat Returnal a couple of days ago and will probably get Hades after I beat to Tsushima DLC.

ID: hie7jtz

The combat is was more fluid, I like how they do the single run rouge lite better, the way the story unfolds and how it’s very punishing but alway gives you a high like no other when you complete it. Then adding heats and making it harder while always making a new build. The game was amazing and easily I see why it won all those awards

I like really like returnal. I think the combat is fun and the graphics are amazing I just wish I played them at different times because hades made the peak perfection style of that genre

17 : Anonymous2021/10/28 00:57 ID: hibmcbv

At first, I thought the game is outrageously difficult and I need to sell it.

Especially when I watched a speedrun and saw how many biomes there are, I didn't know that the game kind of resets after the third biome so as a normal player you don't have to play all biomes in one go. I thought "this fucking game, absolutely impossible to finish this in one sitting".

Then I beat the third boss on my first try. Then I found the Electropylon and beat the entire second act on my first try as well.

I ended up loving the game for the butter smooth gameplay, the amazing atmosphere and the creepy story, but

Electropylon kind of breaks the game. the pacing is shit: I spent 10yrs on the first two bosses and 2hrs on the rest of the game... WTF?! the boss fights are not interesting. Just stay far away, strafe left right and spam fire, sometimes jump over barriers... works for every boss in exactly the same way.

Great game, but some twist to each biome and each boss would have been nice.

ID: hibsu9q

The final boss was a pretty cool experience though, imo. Only took me a few tries but I loved the design of that fight.

ID: hibvy33

Oh for sure, the entire game is just a masterclass in design excellence. I loved all the boss fights.

It just felt weird to wing them when I struggled like crazy for the first two bosses.

My favourite is the tree guy with the organ... the music is so damn cool 🙂

18 : Anonymous2021/10/28 08:07 ID: hicuj4c

I feel I played a different game to everyone else. No saves during runs , repetition of whole sections and a nonsensical and ultimately pointless story. It looked awesome with some cool enemies but that wasnt enough for me personally.

ID: hiekdb3

For the record they added mid-run save capability recently.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:39 ID: hib3sbd

Was going to go to Deathloop, but they changed their minds at the 11th hour yesterday after the suspend feature news went up. /s

ID: hibijj2

Great banter.

It really is.


21 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:26 ID: hib1wv2

Can’t wait to buy it when it’s not fucking $100USD. More than half my rent for the week!!

22 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:40 ID: hib3vzm

It's less than 70

23 : Anonymous2021/10/27 22:46 ID: hib4oyf

$140NZD in New Zealand

24 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:23 ID: hib9ot1

If you live in the US maybe.

25 : Anonymous2021/10/28 03:11 ID: hic43zi

Fuck, I’d take games at that price any day if my rent was that nice

26 : Anonymous2021/10/28 03:12 ID: hic48dc

How much is your rent??

27 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:23 ID: hib9nft

I was a big fan of Housemarque from the beginning. I've bought every game of theirs. I will be taking a Hiatus for awhile because the way they actively mocked and insulted people that bought their game for $70+ for legitimate criticisms/concerns REALLY rubbed me the wrong way and disappointed me.

You would think a company that was extremely close to becoming financially insolvent would treat people better that are buying their first triple A game.

28 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:51 ID: hibdetr

What is the legitimate criticism/concern you have for Returnal after Patch 2.0's Suspend Cycle and Photo Mode?
$70 pricing was Sony's decision as the publisher not Housemarque's

29 : Anonymous2021/10/28 00:51 ID: hiblik8

Did they really mock and insult their fans?

30 : Anonymous2021/10/28 02:21 ID: hibxn3f

No, this person is being absurd and just another person who is constantly “outraged” over everything.

Should Returnal have had saves, probably, but the developer didn’t want them in their vision. They still implemented them after the fact because that’s what the customers wanted

31 : Anonymous2021/10/27 23:52 ID: hibdi6j

They fairly quickly said they would work on adding saves, but that it would be quite a while because it would be hard to implement. If you’re buying a game for $70, do a little research first and you’d be very aware the game wouldn’t have saves.

Please find me one statement from Housemarque where they insult their customers. Unless you’re just being hyperbolic because you love outrage. I scrolled through their Twitter and couldn’t find anytime they “actively mocked and insulted” anyone.

‘Actively’ mocked and insulted…as though they were just on a roll insulting people.

32 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:15 ID: hicmad9

Is the game really difficult?

33 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:33 ID: hicnnhl

Just depends on your difficulty tolerance. There’s a learning curve at first but once you get the hang of gameplay you can move through relatively easily.

34 : Anonymous2021/10/28 06:34 ID: hicnsyw

I managed to finish Hades and Remnant from ashes. You think i could handle this?

35 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:00 ID: hid2b20

Well, surely it was unexpected for me after Returnal's very first reveal footage. Well done!

36 : Anonymous2021/10/28 10:21 ID: hid3v63

Rightly so.

37 : Anonymous2021/10/28 11:14 ID: hid88iz

I'd probably pick this game, too. Either this, Hitman 3, or Metroid Dread. I know they're likely to be ignored in the mainstream but each of these games are milestones for ether the franchise or developer with a lot history going into it. They've also set a standard in their genres.

38 : Anonymous2021/10/28 12:53 ID: hidid8v

well deserved

39 : Anonymous2021/10/28 17:33 ID: hiemsvv

They definitely deserve it! From game design, to music and sound to the full utilization of the Dualsense...the game is totally immersive!

40 : Anonymous2021/10/28 18:30 ID: hievnlm

I'm so surprised people enjoy this game so much. I was so disappointed. Deathloop is better in every way IMO.

Can we stop making every game a rogue-like tho? It's overboard. It's like when every game was open world and now it's rogue-likes.

41 : Anonymous2021/10/28 20:05 ID: hif9voj

Well deserved. That game is incredible.


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