Galaxy map theme goes hard

1 : Anonymous2021/11/05 13:37 ID: qnbbbu
Galaxy map theme goes hard
2 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:07 ID: hjf01ep

Also known as the best song in the trilogy.

ID: hjg1v10

Not only that, but among the best accent music that I've ever heard! Thought that in 2010 and still think it.

ID: hjg5ld3


ID: hjgvc3t

Vigil would like a word.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/05 13:40 ID: hjewgu3

... I hate that this is visually audible.

ID: hjf9wys

I love that this is visually audible!

4 : Anonymous2021/11/05 13:47 ID: hjexcc8

Burned in my brain

5 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:04 ID: hjezohn

It was barely over a minute long and is still one of my favourite soundtracks to a video game ever. The music for the first game was the best imo.

ID: hjfuxbh


ID: hjfzkwz

Does it work as an alarm? You must wake up super relaxed if it does.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:36 ID: hjf4bwp

I was scrolling quickly & saw this but idk where its from..... I heard the original star wars battlefront noise when loading a map

ID: hjf551p

Mass effect

ID: hjf56rv

Ah thanks 🙂

ID: hjg4f06

Obviously I didn't play enough Mass Effect.

Will test this on the wife though.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:23 ID: hjf2dk7

When I look at it all I can hear is 'Sex Bomb' by Tom Jones

8 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:53 ID: hjf6trk

Damn you... had to pull up the soundtrack...

ID: hjf7940

My work here is done

9 : Anonymous2021/11/05 18:38 ID: hjg5t55

Then of course there's ME2

do-do-do-doot-doot-do PROBE LAUNCHED!!!!!!!! PROBE AWAY CHING CHING CHING CHING do-do-do-doot-do PROBE LAUNCHED

10 : Anonymous2021/11/05 21:31 ID: hjgxb4y

11 : Anonymous2021/11/05 15:52 ID: hjffx51

Probing Uranus

ID: hjgb0gw

Really Shepard

ID: hjgctoo


12 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:18 ID: hjf1kpq

You can also hear the screaming running suicidal mobs from Serious Sam games in an image.

ID: hjfk7b3


13 : Anonymous2021/11/05 14:59 ID: hjf7udp

Soon as I saw the pic, the sound started playing in my mind lol

14 : Anonymous2021/11/05 16:11 ID: hjfirce

I've had this as the alarm sound on my phone for years and I still love it.

It starts pretty quiet - especially if you can set up a rising volume - and is relaxing

15 : Anonymous2021/11/05 16:38 ID: hjfn0e5

Wich Games ist that

ID: hjfpqyw

Mass effect

ID: hjg1ziq

Specifically ME 2.

16 : Anonymous2021/11/05 18:24 ID: hjg3khc

I let my husband pick his own ringtone on my phone and he put this.

17 : Anonymous2021/11/05 21:11 ID: hjgu8pi

Do dee do dee do dee do do do

18 : Anonymous2021/11/05 15:10 ID: hjf9e9x

Going home tonight to 100% galaxy exploration and to beat the game #ME2.

ID: hjgt2ve

Got the Platinum yesterday in ME2. Starting ME3 tonight. Loving every second of my first play through.

19 : Anonymous2021/11/05 17:37 ID: hjfw7ez

What game is this

ID: hjfzd5r

Mass effect

ID: hjg1i7x

What one

20 : Anonymous2021/11/05 19:04 ID: hjg9vcm

What’s about Spore?

21 : Anonymous2021/11/05 19:57 ID: hjgidyh

Im probably to young for that thats the first meme of this kind I dont get

ID: hjgiv9m

You'll get it if you play mass effect

22 : Anonymous2021/11/05 20:07 ID: hjgk1d7

Welp, now I want to play Mass Effect again for the millionth time.

23 : Anonymous2021/11/05 20:27 ID: hjgn8ts

I thought it was spore when i first saw it

24 : Anonymous2021/11/05 16:01 ID: hjfh8ji


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