The last few years have shown how out of touch AAA games have gotten

1 : Anonymous2021/11/21 18:47 ID: qz1i6t
The last few years have shown how out of touch AAA games have gotten
2 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:21 ID: hljmlok

The 2nd stage is

"Shows CGI trailer with no actual gameplay"

ID: hlk7lqx

I honestly thought we were getting past that phase of misleading bullshit. I remember as a kid growing up in the 80s and 90s, something would look so cool in the ad and then be absolutely nothing like it when the game actually came out. I hope this trend dies out.

ID: hlkb6u8

As long as companies believe that this process makes them money (through pre-orders or hunting money-whales), then they will never quit doing it.

ID: hlkbitq

Spending more on a making the "gameplay" trailer look good but actually isn't taken at all from actual gameplay.

ID: hlkcmtp

This just makes me like Supreme Commander more.

3 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:14 ID: hlkc60p

The last AAA game I was excited for was Anthem. And you can guess my disappointment.

I've since learned my lesson, and have been enjoying indie games with friends.

ID: hlkhvv6

Woooo! Which ones have you played?

4 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:26 ID: hljncyt

the last few years have shown how out of touch AAA games have gotten

I think the last few years have shown how out of touch most gamers are by participating in this cycle, never learning their lesson, and keep preordering. At this point, the consumers are to blame as well. Shitty companies don’t stay afloat magically, consumers reward their shorty practices. Want a new elder scrolls? Stop buy young skyrim. Want a decent open world game? Stop buying ubisoft. Want a game that delivers and what it promises? Stop preordering

ID: hlk8aus

don't forget whales

ID: hlkcy90

Yeah some whales are actually crazy. Theres this one guy, a genshin player, who seriously looked like he was addicted to buying himself more summons. Not even summoning, just buying more and more and more than he could ever spend. I really wonder where people like that even get their money from.

ID: hlkd54j

This. A majority of games are funded mostly by whales as opposed to pre orders and stuff. In the long run whales spend much much more.

ID: hlkim30

Only bad thing past few years have taught me is how entitled most gamers are lol...

Some of the best AAA games I've ever played were released in the past 5 years. God of war, Horizon zero dawn, Rdr2, Sekiro, Nioh 2, Neir Automata, Ghost of Tsushima, Death Stranding, Spider man, Monster hunter World. Fuckin AoE4 is also epic. Oh and the crash bandicoot remakes were awesome as well, including Nitro-Fuelled.

Man there's so many more. I feel so out of place every time I hear someone say "games aren't the same anymore". Because I feel the opposite.

ID: hlkl69q

I remember Fallout: New Vegas was "They're not even trying! New vegas is just Fallout 3.1!"

Gamers are never satisfied, generally speaking. Sometimes we won't even acknowledge a good game until after the initial release cycle.

And there's a long list of reasons for this.

My takeaway is this: don't listen to vocal, whiny gamers. They're just highly opinionated individuals. It's good that feedback is articulated, and there's good things that come from it.

Just don't let them get between you and your PC/console. Don't like AAA games? Ok whatever. Don't buy it. There's such a huge saturation in gaming now that there's a game for you released every year. You just gotta find it.

If you want a game that hooks up to your bank account? Take your pic. If you want an indie, old school RPG, take your pick. If you want a tower defense game, take your pick. Whatever. Metroidvanias, there's tons out there.

ID: hlkiyt0

For every one person that has noticed and does vote with their wallet, there's 1000 common denominators that don't care and will buy every new game that comes out because its the new thing.

5 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:09 ID: hljkpt1

I probably would have quit gaming by now if indi games weren't a thing.

ID: hlk49f5

yeah i dont understand the moaning. i'm happy as can be. literally just finished all day sunday session with a new game. maybe the thing is not to pay any attention to shitty gaming studios?

ID: hlkgixm

The issue is attachment to certain brands or narrative universes.

You kinda gotta be Jedi about it. Love without attachment. Love the Fallout universe and the older games, love Call of Duty, love World of Warcraft, but don't preorder it, don't give into the Dark Side of FOMO, and if the game is crap, let it go and wait for them to try again and get it right. And if the franchise fails, then be able to let it go knowing it failed because of qualitative reasons, and not take the blame onto yourself for 'not supporting it'

AAA companies don't need our support to maintain a franchise. They do that by making a good product, like any other business in a capitalistic market. They don't need kickstarters or gofundmes or for people to preorder the goddamn Season Pass without them having a clear plan what their DLC is even going to be. They have billions of dollars in capital, and high level investors who are supposed to provide those things.

6 : Anonymous2021/11/21 20:47 ID: hljzj7v

Don't pre-order games, it only leads to disappointment. Buggy/broken on release, there is always going to be dlc and patches later, wait till you see them for sale if you really must play.

ID: hlkklul

I honestly have no idea why people preorder anymore. When was the last time a game ran out of digital copies? Or even for those still buying physical, when was the last time a game was sold out?

Last time I ever had trouble finding a game was before the digital download era with Halo 2. That was almost 20 years ago.

7 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:10 ID: hlk326x

CMV: The label 'AAA' has become a meaningless marketing term that creates baseless hype...

ID: hlkew52

In that it's attached to marketing budgets ... yes.

Non AAA games can't afford to do lots of marketing.

ID: hlkgfn5

That's my issue. Thinking a game is going to be good because a lot of money went into it (and is therefore 'AAA'), has made it redundant when we're seeing a lot of disappointing big budget games.

8 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:11 ID: hljl66f

New game is announced -> I don’t get excited. I mostly just shrug and move on with my day.

That’s basically me for years now.

ID: hlkm2vq

Honestly, you don't know if a game is good until at least 6 months after it actually releases.

I never get excited about new games anymore. Just whatever games people are still positive about long, long after it's already out.

9 : Anonymous2021/11/21 18:48 ID: hljhj3m

Play more than one type of game. You won’t be disappointed.

ID: hljyj0j

I alternate between open-world games (usually FPSs. Often a FarCry), and base building games (usually Rimworld or a game like Mindustry). The constant shift of genres keeps things interesting.

Plus, I could play Rimworld forever, so I can always just wait until games are patched and on sale.

10 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:40 ID: hljphrn
It's because we keep reaching for games to fill the void in our life.
11 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:15 ID: hlkcab8

I've just given up and all I play now is Bloons Tower Defence 6.

12 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:14 ID: hlkc8mr

It woulda been class if they didn’t fuck up that cyber punk game that woulda been the one to restore the faith but it’s fucked it more now plus with Cod vanguard and fifa and all the EA sports games still doing their same routines we’re gunna need a good new IP to come out even battlefield is apparently a let down! The last few games I remember being like exciting and not massive let downs were GTA 5, Skyrim, fallout, red dead also last of us, dark souls and maybe left for dead and some bioshock games but I feel there have been more impressive indie developed games that have actually been worth the money

I didn’t add any Nintendo games cuz I feel they’re a different thing altogether as if Nintendo auctioned the rights to any of their IP’s off companies would be battling it out to get their hands on them! Like imagine Rockstar or Bethesda they’d love to have a crack at multiple games from them as they are clearly dry on ideas

13 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:34 ID: hlkeyqb

I am just so happy Spiderman didn't disappoint me

14 : Anonymous2021/11/21 23:14 ID: hlkkeix

In the last few years (few being between 3 and 10) so we'll go with 3.

2018 - Monster Hunter: World, RDR2, God War, Spiderman, Smash Ultimate

2019 - Sekiro, Fallen Order, Gears 5, Mario Maker 2, Link's Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 3

2020 - ACNH - Proskater Remake, Doom Eternal,

And i'm forgetting tons. Not all AAA makers suck, not all AAA games suck. Even shovelware devs have great games.

15 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:06 ID: hljkc75

How does your disappointment cause new games to drop?

ID: hlkd5gb

Replace it with "everyone buys at least 10 million copies even after refunds" and it works far better.

16 : Anonymous2021/11/21 20:12 ID: hlju8w7

Out of touch with who? Because this wouldn't happen if these games didn't make money. They clearly do, so obviously someone out there is buying them. Enough so that it keeps happening. So, again, who are AAA games "out of touch" with, and what incentive do they actually have to stay "in touch" anyway?

17 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:29 ID: hlk5tbr

This is such an easy cycle to break. Just don't buy new titles until they've been out a year OR the game has been out for a few months AND has real life reviews by real life people that align with your interests (review sites and streames do not count).

Last game I bought first year... breath of the wild. Good purchase.

18 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:47 ID: hljqkwv

And people ask why i still play Minecraft.

ID: hlk9xf5

True not only minecraft almost every game before 2016 U know the valve starter pack (hl ,cs ,l4d2...) Minecraft (cant imagine myself quitting this 1) The far cry series Splinter cell etc Most of the new games are either as u said cashgrab or straight up garbage Though i still maintain a bit of hope for some games like dying light 2 , the forest 2 (the sons of the forest i think the name)

19 : Anonymous2021/11/21 18:51 ID: hljhx33

Guardians of the Galaxy is very much an awesome game that just came out.

20 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:46 ID: hljqf0d

Your issue is wanting AAA games to be more than they are.

This is like only going to see Marvel movies and complaining that theres are "no actual cinema" these days.

Don't be a sucker.

21 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:26 ID: hljne0y

elden ring

22 : Anonymous2021/11/21 19:41 ID: hljppcx

The major company's goals are not the same as those who create because they love gaming or players who love gaming.

They are okay releasing games with enough spacing that they can latch onto the next generation of inexperienced players in both gaming and life in general to replace those that are fatigued by the same thing. One of the best ways to combat this is for parents who are experienced in gaming and have children who show interest in gaming to teach them about the industry and introduce them to older titles that are really good. It would even benefit the players to not be toxic and introduce newer players to great experiences.

It is just like anything else in life except they try to put a stigma on gaming so that people don't explore these things deeply. I also think it is why they make older games that hold well even in the modern era hard to acquire so that young people do not learn of these awesome experiences in order to resell them the same product reskinned in a newer title that they can make more money off through different pricing structures and microtransactions.

They will probably only really have a problem if there is a decline in population of the next generations or a huge cultural change shifts to a different entertainment product which I find to be unlikely for many decades.

The best way to change this is for devs who are creative in coding solutions to combine and solve the implementations of those who are creative in creating good games and ideas, though lack the coding ability as well as those who are creative in visual art, storytelling and musical art.

Creating a better product is what will force larger companies to make a better product or shift their focus elsewhere if they can't feasibly compete. At the end of the day no amount of money can teach a person to be a genius in these areas, though they use that money to try and buy their talents at reduced cost. These artistic geniuses need to value themselves higher.

23 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:31 ID: hlk62rn

I only fuck around with indie games now adays.

ID: hlk74ui

This, they're the only ones that actually do anything innovative.

ID: hlk7q73

For real. Most of the AAA shit is copy and pasted, completely different then what was promised, or has majority of the content they created stuck behind DLCs

24 : Anonymous2021/11/21 20:43 ID: hljyyws

Don’t rely on marketing and upcoming games to satisfy you. Find games that have already come out that others enjoyed and play them.

Don’t be the first to play a game at launch. Make the game validate itself to the world after launch before you buy.

25 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:28 ID: hlk5l58

When I was younger I fell into this often. I also didn't do proper research on games and usually bought them based on how cool the marketing made the game look. Now that I'm almost 30, it's very rare for me to purchase a game on release, let alone pre-order. If I do it's for an established franchise I already feel confident I will enjoy.

26 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:31 ID: hlk632j

3 of those are out of your control but the 4th is entirely on you.

27 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:37 ID: hlk6v09

Disco Elysium Pathologic 2 Road 96 Everhood Undertale

You're welcome 😛

28 : Anonymous2021/11/21 21:40 ID: hlk7cut

Circle back on cyberpunk 2077.

It’s awesome

29 : Anonymous2021/11/21 22:02 ID: hlkaf0n

You guys are in battered-wife mode with video games at this point and hopefully you realize that.


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