- Chris Redfield is my favorite video game character, so I wanted to appreciate my favorite voice actors of his.
Not comparing. But Roger Craig Smith is my fav VA. He almost voices all of my favourit characters from different franchises lol
I'm ok with all of them. But no matter how much I like Jeff as Chris, Roger Craig Smith will forever be my sweet boulder puncher.
What about the REmake and Code Veronica? I think CV was my favorite voice for Chris.
Roger Craig Smith for the win
So this is the Roger Sheva keeps calling in the radio ? Interesting
Ah, Chris Redfield. One of the only characters where two people can say they're a fan of him, but they both mean entirely different characters.
ID: hpunzsrID: hpup8v1There's RE1 FMV Chris Redfield, Skinny Chris Redfield, Bodybuilder Chris Redfield, RE7 Blond Chris Redfield, Old Man Redfield, etc...
I liked him in Village, but when I played it all I could hear was Carlos from 3make lol
And can we please not start comparing and saying who was better, who we miss etc, etc? They were all amazing to me.
ID: hptzj4dBut Roger Craig Smith... he was clearly the best voice actor.
ID: hpu8g6eDefinitely.
ID: hpu1kbnRoger Craig Smith is my favorite 🙂
Off topic but Jeff kinda looks like a Jonas brother
Chris is my favorite in RE games as well
Sonic the Redfield will always be my favorite, but the others do a fine job as well.
Roger Craig Smith 100% ever time i hear jeff talk for chris i hear carlos
Roger has to be like one of the best VA's in general
Could you please explain this to me? I don't think I get it