Capcom pls..

1 : Anonymous2022/01/31 16:40 ID: sh5ji4
Capcom pls..
2 : Anonymous2022/01/31 16:53 ID: hv0hfb5

Outbreak file #2 all the way

ID: hv0hq56

Yeah, enough remakes.

Every time I tried to type remake. it tries to tries to type female. So image really doing this by the cute female in school. WTF

ID: hv0xyv1

Wtf are you talking about?

ID: hv1a62w

Outbreak file 2 already exists

ID: hv1rr9p
File 3
3 : Anonymous2022/01/31 16:58 ID: hv0i8pf

I’d really want a remaster rather then a remake. If they last minute multiplayer modes like Reverse are anything to go buy they don’t know how to do multiplayer for Resident evil right now in time.

ID: hv0ihqb

Can’t fault you at all. Remake or Remaster, I’m sure fans will be happy enough.

ID: hv13e40

Remustard would be awesome. I appreciate the grandpa tank controls and fix camera angles

ID: hv1v4ul

I love resident evil mustard.

ID: hv1ropr

Yeah an HD remaster with modern voice chat (and maybe bump up the movement speed by like 20%…) would be perfect.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:23 ID: hv0mg06

aren’t we currently experiencing outbreak year 3?

ID: hv1hvhr

Too soon

ID: hv1r5wd

dont worry, there will be a year 4 and 5.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/31 19:34 ID: hv17q2v

On a related note, any word on that Village DLC?

6 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:17 ID: hv0ld0q

Yes give us what we want Capcom! Also more content for RE3R not a game that was basically DLC.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/31 19:28 ID: hv16rgk

Doubt they’d wanna maintain multiplayer servers unless the game is making them phat stacks.

ID: hv17us8

You’re probably right, but I’m 100% sure neither REsistance or REverse made phat stacks for them, yet somehow they still produce these lazy spin offs and don’t listen to the fans.

8 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:39 ID: hv0p0bc

I don't want a botched remake, i just want a proper port with online.

Preserve the past!

9 : Anonymous2022/01/31 18:38 ID: hv0ykjg

Capcom trying not to release a shitty multiplayer mode nobody asked for instead of outbreak:

10 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:40 ID: hv0p2r9

I need more co op RE in my life and less versus

11 : Anonymous2022/01/31 18:46 ID: hv0zzdc

Is Re:Verse still a thing even? What IS Capcom doing right now? What about the Village Dlc?

12 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:36 ID: hv20bqg

Meanwhile I'm over here hoping for and Operation Racoon City remake

13 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:25 ID: hv0mqvb

I feel like they should take the RE:Resistance idea and use that to remake RE:Outbreak. Replace the timer with the Infection Gauge from Outbreak in order to keep the idea of being on a clock with little time to screw around, but that time can be extended via antiviral capsules and the like. Hell, take some of the feature from Operation:Raccoon City like the free fire mode where you just blindly blast at enemies within a certain radius by holding down the fire button and the radius itself is determined by the weapon the character is holding. The only thing from the original I don't want brought back is the crappy 4 items per person limit from the original. Each character has the same amount of inventory space, but a couple of characters can carry a little bit more thanks to their special item (Cindy with her medicine case, Yoko with her backpack, hell give George a first aid kit or doctor's bag). I would also like them to make a story mode for an RE:Outbreak remake with two or three possible endings depending on choices made during certain stages kinda like in the original with special venette endings happening if certain characters are together in your four person party.

Edit 1: I just thought of this, but the number of zombies you'd see and fight in a remake of RE:Outbreak would be two or three times the size of the biggest groups fought in RE2R or RE3R. This would retain the horror aspect even as you play the game with your friends because for every person on your team there would be like three or four zombies. This would also lend more credence to the idea that you are just one group of a handful of survivors in a city filled with tens of thousands of undead roaming the streets. Capcom could even add new enemies to the Raccoon Zoo level like a zombie gorilla miniboss to get the elephant's performance music or have that rhino the zombies are eating reanimate and become a rampaging beast that chases your group's cable car after you manage to get it working and are heading to the supposed evacuation site.

14 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:27 ID: hv0n0wz

Re remake dead aim on vr

15 : Anonymous2022/01/31 19:16 ID: hv14vl0

- Oh you want a multiplayer resident evil?

- I got you!

*releases Umbrella Corps II*

16 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:17 ID: hv0lfu1

Please Capcom

17 : Anonymous2022/01/31 18:22 ID: hv0w1mr

Hell I'd be fine if they just release it know current consoles like cv

18 : Anonymous2022/01/31 20:44 ID: hv1ix5n

I’d take just a straight port at this point with online functionality. I wouldn’t mind the graphics being dated or anything.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/31 20:40 ID: hv1i6qc

Why is this dude so constipated?

20 : Anonymous2022/01/31 20:52 ID: hv1k6m4

So many of these companies are doing shit no one asked for and ignoring what they want. It doesn't take much effort these days to get at least an idea of what consumers want.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:29 ID: hv1z9ia

Hell, we still haven’t even gotten REverse that we paid for with Village lol

22 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:36 ID: hv20dcs

The world has enough outbreak for the moment...

23 : Anonymous2022/01/31 23:07 ID: hv2502o

I feel us Code Veronica fans are neglected since after 4 comes out it’s due

24 : Anonymous2022/01/31 23:25 ID: hv27m0l

Feels like we are about to be able expirence it just by going outside

25 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:24 ID: hv0mk0k

I want VERSE

ID: hv1hcgb

I want CHORUS.

(Yeah.. it's a bad joke I know)

26 : Anonymous2022/01/31 17:24 ID: hv0mjvu

Horror multiplayer games are not scary (to me)

ID: hv0oyvn

I have to sort of disagree. Are they even close to as scary as a single player game? Of course not. But Dying Light on Hard with 2 people isn't exactly just a joyride. And from what I've seen Outbreak looked scary enough for what it is, but I didn't get to play that online.

ID: hv1h5m1

We found our special snowflake!

ID: hv1mn5j

I'm a special snowflake because I have a different opinion? I played outbreak and I liked it. But I didn't play it with anyone. I think its much scarier when you are playing a game alone, not when you have a partner. I don't want to see capcom going down the RE5 road again. When you are alone in something, you are more vulnerable.

27 : Anonymous2022/01/31 19:49 ID: hv1a140

Yo for real though it's been a while and it's about time for one

28 : Anonymous2022/01/31 20:41 ID: hv1ibqq

Outbreak's Remake or Code Veronica.

29 : Anonymous2022/01/31 21:34 ID: hv1qt8u

Give them time guys damn

30 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:29 ID: hv1z8ws

It's so funny that there was a chance of getting outbreak #3 but it was all scraped after #2 sold way less than the first outbreak. They made scenarios, characters, and even enemies!

31 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:31 ID: hv1ziq8

I remember every time I started this game the title would loudly be announced

resident evil OUTBREAK file 2!


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