Is it just me, or is the baby the scariest thing in the game?

1 : Anonymous2022/01/31 21:37 ID: shcz78

First opening scenes... the kid. Even scarier than the other monsters, and the mother.

Just curious. Anyone else?

2 : Anonymous2022/01/31 23:37 ID: hv29967

I've completed the game 5 times, the last 4 times I had to put my headset on my shoulders in house beneviento because the screams of the baby gave goosebumps.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/01 06:25 ID: hv3oa64
ID: hvo96f7


4 : Anonymous2022/01/31 21:52 ID: hv1tp1y

Are u talking about Rose or something else?

ID: hv1ygr0

Rose and the Baby fetus are technically the same xd

5 : Anonymous2022/01/31 21:53 ID: hv1tsqf

Definitely pretty creepy I thought

6 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:18 ID: hv1xlxp

Oh right. ..the baby.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:41 ID: hv2137r

Really? No one liked rose. Honestly, looking down holding baby rose really made me miss holding my own son as a newborn. Which made it all the more personal for me when she was kidnapped.

ID: hv50i5s

Same exact way I feel. Have 2 daughters and the real horror of the game is losing a kid in this horrific way. Not the monsters, creatures, etc, its the loss and terror that comes with the unknown of what will happen to your child OR what could be happening.

ID: hv56ikc

Exactly, it gave me a serious sense of urgency.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/01 00:53 ID: hv2jcvf

Yeah, i've seen the videos and it terrified me. Not so much its cries but it's freaking fetus slime and half formed body, i was both disgusted and horro stricken.

i've read a theory that donna made it with either mia's or ethan's memories about a miscarriage.

ID: hv56pxa

What made it even scarier is that the legs were twisted around backwards and the torso crushed to mush... I think they intentionally tried to make it like like an abortion.

ID: hvo9ywz

You looked at it that much?! I used to squint my eyes when I had to run away from it lol.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/31 22:23 ID: hv1ye2h

It is the baby indeed

10 : Anonymous2022/02/01 01:01 ID: hv2kfsh

First opening scene? The large baby coming after you in Beneviento’s house is the scariest for me.

ID: hv5wu91

The large baby coming after you in Beneviento’s house is the scariest for me.

OP meant this baby not Rose

ID: hv64gix

OP says first opening scenes. We don’t see creepy baby for a while yet…

11 : Anonymous2022/02/01 03:03 ID: hv31803

da baby?! les gooo

12 : Anonymous2022/02/01 03:12 ID: hv32h41

No doubt about it

13 : Anonymous2022/02/01 17:21 ID: hv5nhx8

Top 3 scariest moments for me:

Basement baby
Escaping car crash/lycans around me in the woods at start of game

Riding the Rooftop elevator down in Lady D's castle only to have her waiting for me on the other side so I went back up lol

(fwiw I went headphones, loud volume, at-night/dark room on 1st playthru)

14 : Anonymous2022/02/01 19:45 ID: hv6b1aj

Baby is just hungry

15 : Anonymous2022/02/03 10:31 ID: hvejqve

Omg, was just about to post the same thing! I am playing through currently, after watching Markipliers letsplay, I'm up to that bit right now and it's honestly terrifying.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/04 16:52 ID: hvky3ti

Yes without a doubt that fucked up mutated baby is the scariest part of the game. The most terrifying part of any videogame I have ever played. Well played Capcom. We need more of that.


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