Construct the bleakest, most depressing and downbeat horror movie marathon you can think of

1 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:01 ID: m01yq0

Note that I don't really mean very gory movies but rather those that make you lose all faith in humanity and question your existence and where you probably will never plan any repeat viewings. Stuff that hits on a psychological level.

My take would be something like

Eden Lake Martyrs Hereditary Pulse (Japan) Funny Games Spoorlos The Lodge The Witch
2 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:22 ID: gq5i9hh
The Sacrament Megan is Missing Pet Sematary The Mist The Orphanage Jacobs Ladder Funny Games Lake Mungo The Wicker Man Eden Lake The Nightingale The Vanishing A Serbian Film
3 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:39 ID: gq5k5mg

Come and See

In a Glass Cage

120 days of Sodom

Happiness (1998 movie thats not horror exactly but just for dessert at the end of the marathon)

ID: gq6ci7y

Happiness is one of the most disturbing films I’ve ever seen

ID: gq5obx3

Nice choices

4 : Anonymous2021/03/08 03:28 ID: gq68ved

May (2002) should be somewhere in those lists!

5 : Anonymous2021/03/08 00:04 ID: gq5mz88

Spoorlos (1988), Cache (2005), and Cure (1997) is a triple feature that i think would absolutely destroy me. all three of them are very similar tonally: quiet, full of dread, and just unnerving from beginning to end.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:46 ID: gq5y1or

Just watched Saint Maud last night, not so horro

but really really depressing movie..

7 : Anonymous2021/03/08 00:21 ID: gq5ovhr

So i've seen a lot of horror movies (cant find anything new in any of the "recommendation" posts) and none of them have shocked me close to a drama i've seen 5-7 years ago(i think it's a 2010s movie). It makes me depressed just thinking about it. If i remember correctly it's a scandinavian movie about a neglected kid (10-12 year old) who gets used by a family of his friend (if i remember correctly). Basically he is looked after because the friend's family gets some kind of a government check for looking after him (again, if i remember correctly). He gets neglected and prostituted by the father of his friend's family and there's even a scene where he is forced to eat a chicken with maggots in it. In the end he is killed (a scene by the lake, where he was almost saved by another family). Anyone knows what i'm talking about?

ID: gq5sv0d

sounds kind of similar to lilya 4-ever?

8 : Anonymous2021/03/08 00:47 ID: gq5rlt4

So many choices i would have mentioned. Only one that I didn't see on here.

The Seasoning House

So depressing and I can't even stomach a second watch.

9 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:05 ID: gq6043m

Nice list and mentions. Can add a few more I haven't seen mentioned yet:

The Eyes Of My Mother

The Blackcoat's Daughter

Combat Shock

10 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:11 ID: gq60q56


The Orphanage The Mist The Descent (original ending) Midsommar (Directors cut) Funny Games The Blackcoat's Daughter Hereditary Starry Eyes Martyrs Irreversible A Serbian Film Cannibal Holocaust Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom

I could probably do better if I had time to really think about it, but I don't think anyone is expecting a definitive list lol

And to answer what I'm sure is the burning question in everyone's mind, Cannibal Holocaust is WAY harder to watch than A Serbian Film, so despite the latter being objectively more depraved and and hopeless on the technical side, the former stays with you and makes you yourself feel like a monster for having a watched it, and for that reason I cannot have ASF after it.

Some honorable mentions that didn't make the cut

The VVitch (definitely bleak enough, but as I don't like the movie, it seemed weird to put it on a list since I wouldn't watch it) It Comes at Night (see above) The Lighthouse (it didn't strike me as bleak, despite literally the entire cast dying, it felt more like a cautionary tale about deceiving the sea gods or something) The Boys in the Trees (felt more sad than bleak) Color Out of Space (I suppose it should be on there, but I'm too caught up in the madness of it to register it as bleak).
ID: gq69q49

You mention Cannibal Holocaust, but what about the other two movies in the trilogy?

11 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:14 ID: gq5hef0

It starts with Mandy

It ends with The Mist

12 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:07 ID: gq5gl24

Antrum: and then wonder for the rest of your life what the hell you just watched

ID: gq6q48q

Just finished this movie the other night and feel EXACTLY the same way.

13 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:54 ID: gq5ywhr

The Human Centipede } High tension } Calibre } Eden lake } A Serbian film } Bug

14 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:39 ID: gq63pqx

The Girl Next Door

Pig Pen


15 : Anonymous2021/03/08 03:54 ID: gq6bl0y

I’m surprised The Last House on the Left and I Spit On Your Grave hasn’t been mentioned yet.

16 : Anonymous2021/03/08 04:05 ID: gq6cpqi

Any list that includes 1922 in it.

17 : Anonymous2021/03/08 06:31 ID: gq6p2og
The Road Midsommar Plague Dogs Cannibal Holocaust Last House on the Left A Serbian Film Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Lake Mungo 120 Days of Sodom Martyrs
18 : Anonymous2021/03/08 09:22 ID: gq7012p

Cargo (2017) isn't so much scary despite being a post-apocalyptic zombie movie but it's really depressing

19 : Anonymous2021/03/08 10:11 ID: gq72y6o

OP, are u OK?

20 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:28 ID: gq5iwwm

The Lighthouse

The Invitation

The colour of space



Gerald’s Game


The Audition

Funny Games

The Strangers

Kill List

21 : Anonymous2021/03/08 00:36 ID: gq5qgh3


120 Days of Sodom

A Serbian Film

The Lars von Trier Depression trilogy (I haven't seen them, though).

22 : Anonymous2021/03/08 01:51 ID: gq5ykva

Funny Games isn't all depressing, the two villains made it fun in parts.

23 : Anonymous2021/03/08 02:30 ID: gq62qpn

The Possessor, most of the ones I know have been mentioned so but not this one so worth adding to your lists.

24 : Anonymous2021/03/08 04:06 ID: gq6csvs

Pretty much all of these lists are great, but there are two notable exceptions: Angst and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.

25 : Anonymous2021/03/07 23:59 ID: gq5mcsz

Just watch A Serbian Film five times in a row


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