- Now Kojima is not just making games, but also high-effort shitposts
what is a game but an interactive meta shitpost that takes 12 hours to land the punchline?
ID: h1bwskrID: h1bzdzqYou see this is the first Strand type game
I was excited for some Death Stranding / Metal Gear cross-over only to find it's just a re-release of Death Stranding.
ID: h1cgus0they promise extra content, we shall see
It’s just a box
ID: h1bbykhThat’s what I said about your mom, yet she still sticks around
ID: h1bxk8dAre you 9?
ID: h1bv4vz??
The stream only just ended slow down
Is there some significance to the oranges?
ID: h1cd7rjIn other Metal Gear games the box is box that held oranges and had that written on its side lol.
/7/7c/THEBOX.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/468?cb=20050831142709" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/metalgea/7/7c/THEBOX.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/468?cb=20050831142709
I believe it's a reference to Valve's Orange Box
The box is The Godfather
guess this post will stay.
Hideo Kojima has to have box-hiding mechanic in every game, huh? And is it still Death Stranding if you're transporting yourself in the boxes?
The legend
“If playing metal gear has taught me one thing it’s that a box always works” -Old Carl, he’s on to you
"Huh? What was that noise?"
I think you should leave the box alone, Bilbo. Is that so hard?
Princess beach