My new tierlist

1 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:43 ID: obl1ku
My new tierlist
2 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:33 ID: h3oy63b

Hardcore agree with SS. Not many people wanna give RE 1 that kind of praise. IMO it’s the only legitimately scary RE game aside from 4 and the first two hours of 7.

ID: h3p08fb

OG RE1 or the REmake? The REmake still gets me to this day with the random zombies breaking through doors (and always when im right beside them). The OG has the creepiest zombie sounds from the OG trilogy if you ask me

ID: h3q08i2

Remake for GameCube 😀 that was my first game i played, my sister and i tried playing it when we were kids and would spend 20 mins in each safe room because we were too scared to go back out haha.

ID: h3po9b1

I probably play invisible enemy at least once a year, just for fun. Excellent game. I think RE4 should be at the top, but that's me.

ID: h3q006k

Ya i would replace Veronica with 4. Veronica is a classic, but 4 is like the best arguably.

ID: h3pyb6j

Huh? I feel like REmake 1 gets most of the praise online, as it should.

ID: h3pznob

Really? I feel like all i see on the Reddit is praise for RE4, 7, 2Remake, 3remake, and Village. Then again, I’ve also had someone tell me they think RE: Outbreak is the most talked about RE game. So I’m not sure what’s true anymore.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/01 12:52 ID: h3oe6x8

A few details on my placements:

CV: i just love everything about this game. The atmosphere is great, the ashford twins are good villains and the difficulty is respectable, makes repeated playthroughs fun and still challenging

REmake: simply one of the best survival horror games ever created.

RE2make: good remake from a great game.

RE2: still holds up pretty well today. It has four genuine different scenarios which makes it a game with high replay value.

RE3: with all the things its remake left out i would say its still more than relevant today.

RE1/DS: i only put in the DS version because its the best version to play the very first RE, with all the QoL changes it included.

RE4: the first game that radically changed the series. I have beaten it numerous times but still think its one of the most fun games in the series.

RE Village: the game was good, made me appreciate RE7 even more. I loved the interaction between the lords and their totally different personalities.

RE7: great return to the series horror roots. That is until the boat section.

RE Zero: the item dropping mechanic is one of the more apparent changes compared to the other classic style REs. Its still a good game but all things considered it can also be skipped by newer players.

Rev2: good old claire and meme-machine barry fn burton in one game. Also it has the best minigame in the series with the more polished raid mode.

RE5: many dont like it which i cannot understand. Granted theres definitely better games in the franchise overall but it was a good continuation and great finale from re3 and CV regarding umbrella and wesker, which RE4 kinda glossed over.

RE6: now heres a hot take: i think RE6 is not at all bad. It has a metric ton of content, the best mercenaries and other interesting mini games. Four scenarios where each takes as long as any other game is bonkers.

Rev1: capcoms first attempt at a mini series, combining fast paced gameplay with genuine horror atmosphere. Good game in general but in my eyes not THAT good.

Outbreak 1 & 2: i sadly never played it online, but even in single player it was an ambitious project. I think this would be the best and most successful multiplayer game capcom can do with the franchise if only they would re-release it or even remake the idea.

RE3make: bad remake, meh reimagination. Its apparent that capcom rushed it out after the success from the RE2make. I still liked it, it also made carlos more prominent and likable.

Dead aim: a spin-off which predates RE4 and Revelations 1 with the combination of action and horror. One of the many titles with a ship as its main location. A bit short but still enjoyable.

Umbrella/ Darkside Chronicles: both games are a good way to get updated on the lore, the gameplay is simple but thats the point of rail shooters. Can only recommend for newcomers.

ORC: good concept, bad execution. Playing as the bad guys is always intriguing but it underutilized the potential it had.

Mercenaries 3D: the whole game is just the mercenaries mini game. Can get boring rather fast, but for short bursts its a good timewaster.

Survivor 2: not good at all

ID: h3phv9t

Trust me, you aren’t missing out not playing Re Resistance, it was such a gimmick

ID: h3pmr2j

I too love RE6. I actually would put it higher on my own chart.

ID: h3qe8my

Could you expand a little on why you put CV so high? Never played it myself but I wonder if I should soon since I'm playing a lot of RE lately

ID: h3qr0ed

If you like the tank control games CV is a feast. It is probably the longest of them, the music is phenomenal, its a bit more difficult and the story is fun. You get cool akimbo weapons too. It has its downsides, some bossfights are immensely difficult when you don’t know what to do (mainly the plane tyrant everybody talks about) and the game switches control of your character at certain parts. If you want to play the game save you have to make seperate saves so you don’t fall into the trap. After replaying most of the games tens of times its the only one where i still get challenged

4 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:42 ID: h3oze1g

You legend at having Code Veronica in SS Tier! I stand by it being the best RE game for basically the same reasons you say.

ID: h3p32fz

I forgot to mention the godlike soundtrack. This game is so underrated it hurts

ID: h3qnzgn

it cannot be the best RE game when REmake exists.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/01 15:14 ID: h3ow2ps

Survivor is definitely worth playing, short but a fair amount of replayability with its branching pathways. Also, great cheesy acting like the original, gotta love it. Probably have to play it on an emulator, since finding a copy would be unreasonably expensive. And Gaiden is fun too, but more of a "play once and forget" type game.

ID: h3ozutc

Sadly i dont have a PC. I saw plenty of Bawkbasoup and Carcinogen marathons and videos where both played survivor and it really does look interesting. If i get the chance i have to play it. For gaiden its the same story but its non-canon so i dont think i miss out on much

ID: h3prhgd

Never thought that this would be something said unironically. I respect your opinion but man, I thought it was universally understood that that game is a meme. I beat it in one day just to say I did it and never looked back

6 : Anonymous2021/07/01 18:24 ID: h3plzy1

This is the first one of these I almost completely agree with. I'd probably bump Rev2 up a tier, but that's it.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/01 19:22 ID: h3ptyzc

You need to bump all that shit down a level to make room for when you play Survivor.

God tier game.

ID: h3qotbl

One day i have to play it, the voice acting alone is legendary

ID: h3qqazj

Its aged terribly and it isn't really fun without a Gcon, but honestly it was pretty cool in its time.

It wasn't... good? But I really enjoyed it as a kid, and I think it had some amazing ideas. If they did a modern version of it I'd be really excited.

Multiple paths through the game with it changing the story, the "free roaming" while using a light gun, various hidden secrets that could also mess with things.

It was actually really clever in places. I feel like you could really do something by stealing its good mechanics, and then reworking some of the base gameplay, which was often janky.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/01 19:51 ID: h3py20t

Nice list, would only trade CVX for OG RE3

9 : Anonymous2021/07/01 20:32 ID: h3q3t00

These tier list are renewing my faith that this place isnt solely inhabited by people who simp for the new games and whine about tank controls.

ID: h3qpn78

Im one of the old boys, i started playing the games back when RE2 came out. But i agree, the distaste for tank controls is a bit sad and exaggerated

ID: h3qqx9f

Same, i started when fixed cameras and tank controls were all we had.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/01 22:43 ID: h3ql4qr

Can it be...recognition for Dead Aim's existence??? YAY haha Morpheus is one of my favourite villains. Who can resist that sass king? I played it on my PS2 in March, sweet lil game. I never see it mentioned on Reddit so thank you for this, haha.

ID: h3qrf9s

Its very short but i liked it. The best thing in the game was morpheus, i agree, bruce and fongling are good too, but they are clearly inspired by leon and ada

11 : Anonymous2021/07/01 23:41 ID: h3qs458

Thank you so much for putting code Veronica at the top. Excellent list

12 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:52 ID: h3phjqx

I’ve never played it but on other peoples tier lists, Code Veronica usually places pretty low but to each his own.

13 : Anonymous2021/07/01 17:04 ID: h3paoe2

Hey I'm new to this app does the s mean good? And like the bottom one is bad?

ID: h3pckbj

Yes, the higher its up, the better i think the game is. Also left is better than right. SS for me means all time favorite, S is very good, A is good, B is ok and C is meh. As i don’t hate any game if played theres none in D, E or F

ID: h3pijmt

Nah, he’s just putting all the games he’s never played above the games he has played. Just messing, but yeah s tier is by usual standards the best. Don’t know why tho...

14 : Anonymous2021/07/01 21:32 ID: h3qc15c

I judge these list solely on where RE6 is.

ID: h3qr3cx

So how do you judge it then? Good or bad?

ID: h3qrgg5

It’s an “F” for me dawg.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/01 22:54 ID: h3qmj6j

How have you never played resistance? It literally game free with REmake 3

ID: h3qrm69

I wanted to first beat the main game completely but if heard mid way through that it was unbalanced as hell. Im also not that fond of pvp multiplayer

16 : Anonymous2021/07/01 23:21 ID: h3qpoyo

RE:0 needs to be in E or D tier 6 should be in F tier 5 should be in S 7, along with its DLC, should be in SS

17 : Anonymous2021/07/01 14:51 ID: h3oswnm

Imo Village should go in A. And not putting RE4 in SS is kind of weird…it’s a defining and one of the best rated game.

ID: h3oulj7

I had my fair share of fun with village but i know where you’re coming from. I just think that RE7 and RE8 compliment each other greatly and village made me appreciate ethan and RE7 in general more than i thought.

RE4 is really good, no question about it. I just have way more fun with the classics item management and puzzles, if RE would’ve started with 4 it would be definitely my favorite. I also didn’t like the story that much, the games are notorious for their B-Movie vibe but 4 is comparatively ridiculous and way to self centered, but thats just me

ID: h3p0gm1

I understand your point but isn’t Village tried to be the RE4 of the RE7 for the same reasons ? Pretty much everything in Village is ridiculous and over the top.


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