Happy 40th birthday Donkey Kong!

1 : Anonymous2021/07/09 12:47 ID: oguu4u
Happy 40th birthday Donkey Kong!
2 : Anonymous2021/07/09 12:54 ID: h4l3wf6

Can hear the noise for jumping a barrel

ID: h4l79f7

I was just coming here to say I can still hear the little theme jingle.

ID: h4l7dmo

3 : Anonymous2021/07/09 13:33 ID: h4l87f9

Mario was not quite the good guy in these days, not exactly bad either, he was the guy tasked with trying to get the gorilla and his son back in their cage after they escaped the circus. DK was setup as the protag.
Also, original Pauline here, you can see the influence that turned her into Peach before she was re-introduced as a separate character with her original name.

ID: h4l9m7d

Mario was also much more rough looking in his original designs. He wasn't intended to be so kid friendly. That evolution came after Donky Kong.

He was also originally a carpenter.

ID: h4lbi6r

Essentially just "construction worker who happened to be on the job site when a gorilla broke loose"
The arcade in my town had the weirdest cabinet art on donkey kong.
On one side it had A guy in an overall (without hat) wielding fucking Mjolnir while an extremely alien looking gorilla hurled metal barrels at him.
Like a cross between these two cover arts:

The other side was even weirder. It featured a man in a tuxedo standing on a spiral stair and a man in a gorilla suit holding a barrel and pretending to throw it at the guy in the tux.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/09 14:14 ID: h4ld211

Fun fact: The game character was named after Donald Keekong, who was Shigeru Miyamoto's eccentric taxi driver when he first visited Nintendo's HQ in Washington. Don picked up Miyamoto from the Seatac airport, Miyamoto discovered to his surprise that Don spoke passable Japanese thanks to a previous career in the military, and they've been goofy friends for 4 decades.

The official Nintendo story for 35 years was that Donkey Kong's name was derived from King Kong. Miyamoto would have happily told the true story about his bearded buddy, but Don wasn't too keen on any kind of public attention whatsoever. He's one of those kinds of dudes who thinks the moon landing was faked. He has a nuclear bunker in his backyard surrounded by 8-foot reefer plants.

After the King of Kong documentary renewed interest in the video game's history, Miyamoto finally corrected the record with Don's permission: The character's likeness was similar to King Kong, but the name was from crazy Don the Seattle taxi driver who collected bongs as well as guns. Don was an anti-war former soldier at the strange crossroads between poor, bearded hippie and bearded militia member. Don is a local legend. He once was a stoic military officer and then he went off the deep end hard, left the military, and got really into fly-fishing for 2 years before becoming a taxi driver. You might not know this, but there are pro fishermen who travel around doing boat shows and fishing circuits, and they make enough money to live on. Don, technically speaking, was one of the first ever "pro gamers."

Oh, it gets better. Don has a son named Donald Jr who goes by "DJ," lives in Redmond, and works for Nintendo in some capacity. DJ is the same age as my younger brother, so he must have been born in 1984-86. That's 2 years AFTER the Donkey Kong Jr. game came out. The dude was named after a video game. Don Sr. said that he would not have named his kid Donald Jr if Miyamoto hadn't already put the idea into his head by making Donkey Kong Jr, the game.

This means that, technically, Donkey Kong was named after Don Keekong, and Don Keekong Jr. was named after Donkey Kong Jr., the video game, and he now works for Nintendo and has a sweet beard just like his dad. Furthermore, "Cranky Kong" is what DJ calls his dad when he's being cranky. Therefore, a video game character was named after a guy who was then nicknamed after the father of that video game character, and the son was named after the video game character that was named after the father, who was the first pro gamer in Seatac. Yeah.

For his part, Miyamoto sometimes thinks it's funny to completely deny the story or that Don Keekong exists even though it's easily verifiable (They're actually in a jam band together. Miyamoto plays banjo).

ID: h4n7hy5

Okay.... Real quick. I need a source for this info, because Google isn't cutting it. Lol

5 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:47 ID: h4ncl9b

Somebody tell Nintendo.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:28 ID: h4n40rc

Oh my God this just made me feel so old. cries a single gamer tear

7 : Anonymous2021/07/09 19:04 ID: h4mf37g

I remember playing this at the laundry mat when I was young. Good memories

8 : Anonymous2021/07/09 15:31 ID: h4lmyzt

No idea what happened to the upload here lol, works fine on other subreddits.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/09 18:47 ID: h4mctf6

The janky looping on this GIF kills it for me.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/09 13:13 ID: h4l5uwx

Not my proudest fap

ID: h4ms4ky

or your funniest joke


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