Best GTA came out over 15 years ago

1 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:09 ID: oh5wr7
Best GTA came out over 15 years ago
2 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:25 ID: h4n3rr3

I played GTA 1 on PC. I must be immortal.

ID: h4n4nnc

I had my first pc in 1996 - almost 9 back then.

I feel old. But hey, not as old as those who remember how tetris was made.

ID: h4n6eyl

C64 Checking in.

Going to load up some Raid Over Moscow and pretend I'm 6 again

ID: h4n4wo2

I was 3 when Tetris came out, but I definitely remember playing it on NES.

ID: h4ncubq

MS-DOS checking in: Played Echo a lot. Somewhere around 92-94 (memory is fuzzy)

ID: h4n46y1

Same. Slowly getting insane living that long 😮

ID: h4n5mf4

I want that (actually 2) for my phone. But I feel like rockstar doesn't want to be that edgy anymore. Driving around town filling a bus with people to take to the hamburger plant maybe doesn't work in 2021

ID: h4n8h87

I had it on PS1. Was thinking something similar.

ID: h4n9h8w


ID: h4n6bs6


ID: h4nahbm

GTA London was the shit.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:11 ID: h4n2370

I wasn't prepared to be attacked like this.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:33 ID: h4n4ngx

I played TMNT for NES when I was a kid. Never managed to beat it even after playing regularly for 5 years.

ID: h4n7a7k

Played it at showbiz pizza.... pre chuck-e-cheese. Now leave me be so i can take my Metamucil.

ID: h4n6if5

No-one has ever gotten past the underwater level.

ID: h4n9b8s

The underwater level wasn't too bad once you got the route worked out. But the one after that, the turtle van level, was just a complete maze. Never did beat that level.

ID: h4n5wbt

I never beat it either. I need to cheat my way through on an emulator or something so I can see how it ends lol.

5 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:12 ID: h4n2acs

I played Monster in my Pocket. Soooooo...i'm basically a fossil fuel?

6 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:16 ID: h4n2pyk

I used to drive home in my dinner hour to play San Andreas when I was 18. Only ten minutes from work so got good half hour in. Good times.

7 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:47 ID: h4n69c8

I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go with Vice City

ID: h4nasvx

The Lance Vance Dance

ID: h4n734g

Easily the best

ID: h4nbxcu

San Andreas had a better sandbox. I remember spending hours hunting bigfoot in the woods

ID: h4n95ug

I agree with you, but have you ever gone back to play it? All the models are super blocky and the car drives terrible.

ID: h4n9fdb

Yea it didn’t age well but the soundtrack is just so iconic for me . Mainly why I love it

8 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:25 ID: h4n3p7m

Old? GTA 2 is where it's at.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:35 ID: h4n4tjv

Cries in almost 40....

10 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:48 ID: h4n6aer

Get off my lawn you whippersnapper.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:11 ID: h4n8wxw

Time flies so quickly we’ll be seeing this with games like Red Dead Redemption 2 not too long from now. I don’t know about you guys but that not so distant future kinda creeps me out. What will the world look like in 15-odd years.

Damn it, I came looking for memes but just found existential dread.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:21 ID: h4n9zg7

By this logic I already reincarnated since I played GTA 2 when it came out

13 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:50 ID: h4ncuze

I guess I'm dead too because I used to play the first GTA when it was released. Anyone remember the top down view?

14 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:31 ID: h4n4fs8

San Andreas is fantastic but 4 is peak gta for me

ID: h4n4vdq

replayed it recently and oh my word it reminded me of how great a game it is. short compared to more 'modern' games but real enjoyable.

ID: h4nam51

It's weird how much people's opinion of GTA 4 has done a 180 over the years.

ID: h4n7wc4

San Andreas was the largest expansion of sandbox play; 4 had the greatest story/dlc/physics engine.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:10 ID: h4n8qq9

Me with time splitters lol

16 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:19 ID: h4n9rp6

I guess I'm dead also

17 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:45 ID: h4ncedd

GTA:SA (2004) can drive train

GTA5 (2021) still cannot drive train

18 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:26 ID: h4n3tax

Great now you made me cry

19 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:46 ID: h4n62sv

Can feel it...

20 : Anonymous2021/07/09 22:55 ID: h4n723k

on my 10th birthday haha but my first was GTA 3

21 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:03 ID: h4n7zto

Grove Street…

22 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:14 ID: h4n977h

Funny- I played this for the first time last week, and exclaimed, “why the hell isn’t 5 like this one?! This is way more fun, and straight to the point, with better music. It just lacks the better graphics.”

23 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:15 ID: h4n99tg

It hasn’t aged well. Controls are awful.

24 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:22 ID: h4na0ul

Gtav is better but gta sa is still good. Fuck vice city

25 : Anonymous2021/07/09 23:26 ID: h4nah3f

I have missed the train for the last time…


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