Referencing RE lore be like

1 : Anonymous2021/07/12 10:51 ID: oiou8b
Referencing RE lore be like
2 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:59 ID: h4y25bh

"It's really not that complicated"

YouTube Lore Video: 2:37:43

ID: h4y7vrd

Intro to a 54 part playlist

ID: h4yd8x3

...each, and there's 5 of them, and that's mostly summarising.

3 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:14 ID: h4y47o5

I mean... Comparatively, it's not the most complicated. Kingdom hearts has that title as far as I can see.

ID: h4y5w2l

Metal Gear probably up there too

ID: h4y70qa

Another favourite if mine, too. I might have a problem.

ID: h4yipuk

Videogame Dunkey explained the lore perfectly in one video though.

ID: h4y6ev0

Anthology structured story telling in games is always gonna be wonky, but it is what it is.

ID: h4yub09

Probably unpopular, but it’s my opinion and I’m ready for the attack and downvotes, but I think COD zombies is a serious contender, especially with the last few instalments. Added so much BS that I don’t think anyone truly knows the current “storyline”, if you can even call it that

ID: h4ywmat

As a fellow COD Zombies player, I 100% agree with you. And it's getting even worse with Cold War, because now it's a "live service" with the kind of storytelling inherent to that kind of platform. By that, I mean significant plot events could happen due to a live event you didn't participate in in an entirely different mode or even a completely different game, and references will be made to it like everyone was along for the ride.

Not long ago I picked up my first lore bit since the update and afterwards was like "Ruka? Maxis? Missile launch? What are you talking about?" Apparently that's in reference to a live event that happened in the previous Season that I just missed.

ID: h4yddp9

While I poke fun at it with this meme, I have seen much worse. Silent Hill's lore for instance will make your head spin, and just mention "the Backyard" to a Guilty Gear fan and watch their eyes glaze over.

ID: h4z9jzp

Silent Hill canon isn’t something you openly discuss, cause either everything is subjective headcanon and everyone is right, or everything we think we understand objectively is wrong and everyone is wrong.

There is no middle ground on Silent Hill.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:23 ID: h4xg7cd

"Just 14 more hours I have to play the first game"

5 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:52 ID: h4y9brx

It wouldn't be so complicated if every piece of media didn't have new information that contradicts at least 3 pieces of media that came before it.

ID: h4ydmew

Also a lot of that lore comes from sources not translated in English.

By the way, to the guys who have taken the time to translate that stuff if they happen to read this: You're awesome and it is much appreciated.

6 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:28 ID: h4y63y8

Subtract the two stage plays and…

ID: h4y92is

I’m sorry, the WHAT?

ID: h4ydrev

There are two Japanese stage plays considered canon.

They are.. something else.

ID: h4z89ne

I'm glad someone mentioned those

7 : Anonymous2021/07/12 18:50 ID: h4y8z9d

This is why I have porn running in the background in case someone walks in and I have to Alt-tab. It’s easier to explain than Resident Evil lore.

8 : Anonymous2021/07/12 17:06 ID: h4xv2et

I saw a lore recap video get recommended on YouTube and it was 4 hours long or so. NO THANK YOU.

9 : Anonymous2021/07/12 20:33 ID: h4ylxvo

Honestly, the fact that the lore is far more complicated than it has any business being is weirdly part of the appeal for me.

ID: h4ytv54

Oh, same here. It's fun to watch people play this seemingly narratively uncomplicated game and casually mention some weird and esoteric part of the lore and witness their reactions.

10 : Anonymous2021/07/12 22:42 ID: h4z2azf

Now you all know true terror like I have for twelve years.

11 : Anonymous2021/07/12 15:29 ID: h4xh18t

At least it isn't fnaf lore

ID: h4y2p4i

FNaF has complicated lore? It's about ghost kids in robots, isn't it?

ID: h4y6wo7

It was... before Scott created another 30000 games. Now there are glitches who control minds, remnant, 2 purple guys and black magic (I think)

ID: h4yiwli

Oh boy.. you have no idea...

ID: h4y7trp

Or Nier


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