Just visited the Petersen Automotive Museum and found a Warthog!

1 : Anonymous2021/07/29 23:02 ID: ou8i9y
Just visited the Petersen Automotive Museum and found a Warthog!
2 : Anonymous2021/07/29 23:14 ID: h70mqi8

I think it looks more like a Puma.

ID: h70nwig

Nah you see those tusks? Definitely a walrus

ID: h70o995

Didn’t I tell you to stop making up animals?

ID: h70n8ue

Beat me to it

ID: h70rb22

Red vs Blue for anyone who doesn’t know it. Still worth a watch after all these years!

3 : Anonymous2021/07/29 23:10 ID: h70m7ib

That’s really fucking cool!

edit- does it actually work?

ID: h70ma79

I know right? There was also a sparrow from destiny! I don't think it really works.

ID: h70mfa5

Are you going to upload pics of the sparrow as well?

ID: h70nyv5

I just looked it up and it in fact works. It’s built on the chassis of a hummer and fully works and can drive at a speed of 25mph. It can technically go faster but they topped it at 25 for safety.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/29 23:47 ID: h70qwug

I had a private tour of the vault downstairs, that place is so cool!


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