My cat likes to push my buttons sometimes

1 : Anonymous2021/08/11 12:51 ID: p2cfek
My cat likes to push my buttons sometimes
2 : Anonymous2021/08/11 13:56 ID: h8j90p2

My cat is 100% jealous of phones and remotes...pretty much anything that can occupy my hands and prevent me from petting him.

3 : Anonymous2021/08/11 15:36 ID: h8jmuo8

My orange boy will headbutt the controller out of my hands.

4 : Anonymous2021/08/11 15:51 ID: h8jozhv

What’s plugged into the controller?

ID: h8jtbk7

I think it's a battery pack for longer life. Found something that looks like it on amazon right now.

ID: h8judyf

It's actually a little attachment that makes it easy to plop the controllers on to the charging station I have without wearing out the connections.

ID: h8judor

It's actually a little attachment that makes it easy to plop the controllers on to the charging station I have without wearing out the connections.

5 : Anonymous2021/08/11 13:28 ID: h8j5kyf

I miss my cats I haven’t seen them for 9 days now because I’m in hospital and looking at this reminds me of my cat he’s as big as yours and he has big paws as well. This is such an adorable photo of your cat.

ID: h8j942p

aww man, get well soon!

ID: h8k4od3

Hope you feel well soon!

ID: h8kr10z

Yeah I’m back home now dismissed from hospital and I’m knackered.

6 : Anonymous2021/08/11 16:00 ID: h8jq810

All fun and games until he turns off yo shit, then what?

7 : Anonymous2021/08/11 17:41 ID: h8k4iln

Dawww what a pretty kitty!

Side note: I like your blanket. I wish I could crochet that well.

ID: h8k4s9n

I've had this blanket for almost my entire life (30 years). A sweet elderly neighbor named Betty made it for us and passed away shortly after. It's called the Betty Blanket.

ID: h8k6q4w

Aw that’s definitely a special blanket. It amazes me how well those hold up over time.

8 : Anonymous2021/08/11 21:06 ID: h8kycbm

I think our cats are twins!

ID: h8kyg3l

Pics or it didn't happen

9 : Anonymous2021/08/11 13:16 ID: h8j4615

Big respect for him/her


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