Developer at Sucker Punch may be hinting about unannounced PS exclusives in 2022 on Resetera

1 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:46 ID: q4ix1a

This was picked up by no one, but on Resetera a senior game designer from Sucker Punch responded to a user on Resetera about the PS5 exclusive line up through 2021 and 2022 on September 10th


User commented : "it’s insane to me, to think that probably from the release of the console, in Novembe

until the release of Spider Man 2, probably in Septembe 2023, we will only have one big AAA PS5 only original game from studios... "

And the developer responded with "People assume now, that there will be no games in between, because Sony hasn't announced anything for that time span yet? Okay... "

It seems that there are unannounced titles from first-party apart from GOW, HFW and GT7 that are scheduled to launch in 2022 or early 2023 presumably before Spiderman 2. This might be a stretch and he might be speculating, however the fact that he is a senior game designer at SP might mean he knows about exclusive games that are yet unannounced. Also note that this was after the PS showcase, so this does not include games that were showcased at that event.

2 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:52 ID: hfyvcps

Do people actually think that Sony has shown everything releasing from now till fall 2023 lmao?

ID: hfyynxe

I mean, Xbox announced a ton of games coming in the next who-knows-how-many years (because they kinda had to) so people are assuming Sony would do the same, I guess. Should know by now that Sony is playing on its own terms though.

ID: hfz6kkp

This right here. Sony isn’t bound to the same pressure or need to lay all cards out. The devs/teams and Sony will show when it’s on their time.

Not to say Xbox hasn’t done the same as well. I’m sure they will begin to pick up steam & drop some unannounced games.

ID: hfz7td8

Yeah, Microsoft and Sony are in very different positions. Sony has a lot of trust around it's established IPs. Microsoft has had pretty much nothing for a year, they need to demonstrate that they have a lot coming. My only worry for Microsoft is that they are showing a lot of games that won't be out for a while.

ID: hfzr5k5

even Xbox hasn’t announced everything coming between now and Fall ‘23.

ID: hfz8a94

I agree. The Series X is in a totally different place than the PS5. There hasn’t really been any huge exclusives come out for the Series X yet. So I feel like they kind of had to show us their cards in order to generate more excitement for their console. I have both systems, and I love them both. But I’ve only had old titles to play on Game Pass for my Series X. Whereas I’ve had a lot of exclusives to play on my PS5

ID: hg08osl

? I’m pretty sure most games Microsoft announced were 2021-2022 outside of a few. I doubt it’s also all their cards especially with all the bethesda studios.

ID: hg0acpr

Well, I don't think they had to, they announced them because they're going straight to GamePass and it shows how powerful GamePass will become and thus will attract more devs to release on GP.

ID: hg0s3fd

Xbox HAD to do that because of the constant pressure of people telling them they have no exclusives coming compared to Sonys exclusive track record. Xbox had to lay all their cards out because they needed to prove themselves, Sony doesn’t have to.

ID: hfz0rtr

exactly, game devs are always working on new projects.

ID: hfyycg9

Unfortunately there are a lot of naive people out there.

ID: hg052pf

To me the big issue is the production of PS5 units. Every single PS5 made is sold almost instantly. Major game developers would prefer their games to sell to 20 million PS5 users and not 10 million. Adding 6 months to a year to development or release can make them millions and millions of dollars.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:51 ID: hfyv8sj

I think the original question was dumb tbh. Of course there are gonna be exclusives before then. Not every game announces a year ahead of time

ID: hg0brg4

Yup, spiderman 2 made sense to reveal due to pure hype level surrounded the franchise

ID: hg0fwsd

I prefer it when games are announced with less than a year until release. Basically if the game isn't ready, I don't want to know about it. For all of the game's flaws, Bethesda's reveal of Fallout 4 was basically perfect. Announce/confirm nothing until E3 where they announce the game, show gameplay, and say "it's out this November".

ID: hg12aid

Same. I was actually disappointed seeing the Wolverine announcement. I don’t see the point of announcing a game before you even have a trailer. Would much rather it be a surprise in a year or so

4 : Anonymous2021/10/09 13:05 ID: hfz7few

Come on, SP. You know you wanna make inFAMOUS 4.

ID: hfzfg85

Frrrrr infamous second son is one of my favourite games

ID: hfzfkvz

I literally bought both a PS3 and a PS4 for inFAMOUS. If they make another one, I'll be buying a PS5 for inFAMOUS.

ID: hfzh6hx

At the very least give us a remastered collection for 1 + 2 + FoB. 4K 60 is all I ask for - in addition to them being playable outside of PS3.

ID: hfzhcut

I'll take that as well, though I'd vastly prefer I4

ID: hfztjp5

Sly Cooper

ID: hg08asc

I love Sly Cooper, but they will never return to that franchise for the same reason Naughty Dog will never make another Crash Bandicoot game.

ID: hg0foa4

I would pay so much money for a new Sly developed by Sucker Punch. Hell, I'd even take a complete next-gen remake of the original trilogy in the vein of Crash/Spyro, because those were top notch

ID: hfztwtl

I like Sly too, but I'd sacrifice him in a heartbeat for a new inFAMOUS

ID: hg06iex

Would Sony be interested in another open world super-power based game now they have Insomniac's Spider-man as their big marqee franchise?

ID: hg084wd

It makes no sense for them to treat inFAMOUS and Spider-Man as franchises that fulfill the same niche, because they don't.

So, yes, they would.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:51 ID: hfyva9x

I don't work in the industry and this would have been my answer to the same question

6 : Anonymous2021/10/09 10:56 ID: hfyvntk

Studios makes games?! Holy shit, this is unexpected.

Why people expect that every single big AAA titles are suppose to announced years before launch? Fallout 4...

ID: hfz3yxd

And developers developing something!?! Such an unpredictable world we live in.

ID: hg066fe

Even tho it didn't feel like it, Skyrim was announced inside of a year before it released. Besides Bethesda, Capcom announce games close to their release, especially Monster Hunter titles.

7 : Anonymous2021/10/09 12:44 ID: hfz56pw

PSVR2 has yet to be completely revealed. They talked about flatscreen games having VR support if possible, so it's likely they will reveal new games when they showcase the headset.

8 : Anonymous2021/10/09 13:16 ID: hfz8lns

.....Not even a leak or rumor....of course Sony will announce something exclusive that will land before Spider-Man 2. What a dumb comment from that user. Insomniac isn't the only 1st party working on something off in the distance.

I don't even think that's intended to be a hint too, just brain usage. Like with Wolverine not too long ago, Sony sits on stuff, and can keep those things under wraps quite well.

9 : Anonymous2021/10/09 13:17 ID: hfz8oin

That comment is stupid anyway. So far PS5 has got:

Demon's Souls Returnal Astrobot Ratchet & Clank Temtem Godfall Destruction All Stars

Then the remakes and/or DLC expansions:

Ghost of Tsushima DC + Iki Island expansion Death Stranding DC + new story missions FFVII Remake + DLC expansion

And, of course, Sony will have more games coming in 2022 that haven't been announced yet.

Edit: + Deathloop.

ID: hfzq494

Came here to say this. Comment sounds like it’s from an Xbox fanboys mouth. Just conveniently sidestepping actual reality to make Sony look bad. One game from Nov 20 to Sep 23? What kind of dumb shit is that?

ID: hfzfdul

You forgot Deathloop : (

10 : Anonymous2021/10/09 11:46 ID: hfyzrsa

It's not really a hint, it's just stating out the obvious. Sony's complete 2022 and 2023 lineups are a complete mystery yet it's quite obvious that they will have something extra to be announced for 2022 (probably Factions) and multiple other games for 2023. The original comment is just jumping to conclusions. Plus, Sony have already published 3 AAA PS5 exclusives (Demon's Souls, Returnal and Ratchet & Clank).

ID: hfzolj0

And at the end of the day we still have 3 AAA titles announced coming out next year. It just seems like troll bait to specifically call out PS5 only. Like, I’d like to see how this games could have been if they were PS5 only, they could be better but it’s not like there’s no games

11 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:43 ID: hfzqei1

Returnal is absolutely AAA to begin with

12 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:12 ID: hfzf0n6

That designer doesn't work at Sucker Punch.

Edit: They're working on Chorus as far as I can tell:

13 : Anonymous2021/10/09 14:19 ID: hfzft8j

Remake of Sly Cooper to go with an unannounced movie.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/09 12:26 ID: hfz3ddx

They are talking about big ps5 exclusive titles, so far only Spider-Man 2 is confirmed, the big 3 next year are cross gen. I’d say factions will be cross gen for the player base, and most other big Sony studios have already gone or are about to go.

Sucker punch is making sly 4 apparently so that may hit next year, we’ll see if it’s cross gen too.

ID: hfzc5z0


ID: hfzf7hh

You mean sly 5

ID: hg1d6cx

Correct, forgot about that one.

ID: hfz8div

There's so much that we don't know about Sony's studios that claiming that we aren't going to get any PS5 exclusive games is hilarious.

This is before we even throw in PSVR2.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:23 ID: hfznwc3

At least they don’t announce games that are 2-3+ years out (most of the time).

16 : Anonymous2021/10/09 15:29 ID: hfzokrj

I just hope it's inFamous or Sly, and not fucking GoT again...

17 : Anonymous2021/10/09 17:00 ID: hg00rbt

not gonna lie boys i just want a sly cooper remake

18 : Anonymous2021/10/09 17:29 ID: hg04sbq

I just want a Sly Cooper series Remaster


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