Elden Ring delayed to Feb 25, 2022

1 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:04 ID: qancau
Elden Ring delayed to Feb 25, 2022
2 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:54 ID: hh44vm7

This is our punishment for that 27-second gameplay footage leak

ID: hh4cp11

Looool so true

ID: hh4k75k

People bitched about the jump too much and now we're delayed...

ID: hh552bw

Wait, what's wrong with the jump? The physics looked like Sekiro. Didn't people adore Sekiro specifically for its physics?

ID: hh4xf1g

You're god damn right - FROMsoft

ID: hh4hrd4

Would be such a FromSoft move lol

3 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:11 ID: hh3z4uy

We really just gonna cram everything into February huh.

ID: hh44z0j

When it rains it pours.

ID: hh4aksw

"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen" – Video game pioneer Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

ID: hh4ea65

I was literally just thinking to myself earlier "well, at least Elden Ring is out in January, so there's some time to play it before everything else drops".

...well, fuck.

ID: hh4c1wn

Fuck it, let’s get PS6 in there as well.

ID: hh5ircr

Everything will be delayed again, don't worry about that

4 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:06 ID: hh3yed2

They are doing a closed network test in November! Link to signup (keeps crashing for me and going to GGstrive though)

/cb/elden-ring-beta" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://beta.bandainamcoent.e/cb/elden-ring-beta

Edit: this one worked for me

ID: hh462ay

Thanks mate!

5 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:08 ID: hh3yng4

Man I can’t handle Horizon: Forbidden West, Dying Light 2, Saints Row, and Gran Turismo 7 all coming out within a 4 week period, and now they’ve added Elden Ring on top of it

ID: hh3zfbd

Oh I wouldnt worry about that, at least one of those will also be delayed

ID: hh4472o

i hope horizon isnt one of them

ID: hh40x34

That is such a strong start to next year. Those alone will keep me going until summer. I think I need to plan what order I will go for. Its a great dilemma to have

ID: hh4eyd9

Horizon alone is more than enough for me.

ID: hh41k1n

Just got an email from my wallet stating that I should finally man up and learn proper budget management.

ID: hh42owu

I can handle it.

but my wallet can't


ID: hh4b4z6

then dont buy them all together

6 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:12 ID: hh3z5vu

Almost had an heart attack until I realized we’re in 2021 and not 2020.

ID: hh44uwd

2020 is the year with 24 months.

ID: hh4o4q9

Coming soon… 2022 2020 part 3!

ID: hh3zq3z

Tbf 2020 and 2021 has felt like one prolonged year.

ID: hh5bp7o

It's simultaneously sped by whilst also feeling like 5 years

ID: hh4a7ym

I had to look at the date in the corner of the screen.

ID: hh4grzo

I literally googled what year is it. What even is time anymore

7 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:42 ID: hh437ei

It's what we get for watching that 27-second leak ( ´,_ゝ`)

8 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:18 ID: hh3zyrf

Just 1 month, not bad. If developers get more time to polish the game then it's a good thing.

ID: hh46ru1

Ye its good thing they are put it out month later and some people don't realize that

ID: hh49cyw

Nah I think people are tired of getting dates and then it gets moved to something else. At this point I’d rather get a “soon” and not hear anything until a month before when they’re ready to go

9 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:15 ID: hh3zlnw

January was too good to be true

10 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:19 ID: hh405un

So which of the multiple Feb releases will suffer cause of this?

ID: hh47pud

Saints Row. I mean it already hasn't had a very good reception anyway, I feel like coming out in Feb is just going to make it even more ignored.

ID: hh4gnen

I’d like to see Saints Row delayed into the summer where it’ll likely be relatively dry. Not a great time to launch a game generally, but there is no way it doesn’t get steamrolled in its current slot. I have similar apprehensions about Dying Light releasing in February.

ID: hh4157l

This is what I’ve been wondering since I saw the release calendar. Everything was shifting to Feb. Damn it’s going to be a wild month. Something will blink in move.

I would want my product to have the best opportunity to sell, without having to face innie meenie miny mo scenarios.

ID: hh42t6k

We can be sure that GT7 and HFW are going to do well. I reckon Forbidden West will have the best exclusive launch week till Spiderman or GoW. Its the other ones I'm thinking about

11 : Anonymous2021/10/18 18:23 ID: hh4z32k

Me: “another fucking 2022 delay?!”

Also me: “oh shit it’s already October. This is fine.”

12 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:54 ID: hh44typ

So……Forbidden west, Dying light 2, shifu, GT7, now elden ring? That’s a lot of triple A games (besides shifu) to release in a 3 month period, so from a business perspective one of those games is likely getting delayed (again) sigh

13 : Anonymous2021/10/18 15:26 ID: hh49bjl

Looking forward to the saints row delay announcement

14 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:07 ID: hh3yjn3

Horizon Forbidden West on Feb 18, Elden Ring one week later on Feb 25. Damn this month will be packed.

ID: hh42o9c
Life is Strange Remastered Dying Light 2 The King of Fighters XV Horizon Forbidden West Sifu Elden Ring Saints Row

It might be the most packed month of big games I've seen...

ID: hh4ei4w

*Confused screaming noises*

15 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:08 ID: hh3yqvz

Just one month, it's not bad.

Dont forget to sing up for the closed test

Link for registration

Edit: DEMO Size is 7GB

16 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:49 ID: hh444u4

We definitely can expect delays from February games. Damn

17 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:21 ID: hh40bvi

Fuck, oh well. This will give me more time to play SMT 5.

18 : Anonymous2021/10/18 14:15 ID: hh3zkmq

Shit. I kept saying it. Feb is a Royal Rumble. Too many games in a small window. Great for hardcore gamers but these games want/need sales and casual gamers aren’t going to buy all of them.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/18 20:21 ID: hh5gcux



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