Play dead tactic never fail

1 : Anonymous2022/02/05 13:47 ID: sl7boy
2 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:12 ID: hvpedi9

At this moment he knew…….

3 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:47 ID: hvpj4q5

How can you do that? Which key did you use?

ID: hvpjynb

Just push „v“ for your knife and lean to the side

ID: hvpkhjx

How can I lean? Q, E?

4 : Anonymous2022/02/05 15:33 ID: hvph7ig

is he blind? nice move but kinda whacky executed.

5 : Anonymous2022/02/05 14:35 ID: hvp9ejq


6 : Anonymous2022/02/05 17:41 ID: hvq0bha

I was fighting with a guy on shoreline and I tag him a few times and he lays down and then gets on VOIP and goes “I’m dead, I’m dead, uggggh I’m dead”. Which has to be the worst version of “playing dead” I’ve ever seen. Threw a grenade on his ass and really did him in

ID: hvqoqko

That is my go to tactic when im trapped and someone tries to grenade me. So far hasn't worked....

ID: hvqowes

I was going to ask how often it works lol. I imagine a better tactic would just be to get on comms and yell “FUCK!” Or something that people say when they really die in game. Saying “I’m dead” to no one doesn’t really sell it

ID: hvq3a4q

ha ha what a fool to think you're dumb enough to fall for that one! I'm sure it worked on others before but not you! Way to use that noggin!

ID: hvqnczp

This gives me vibes from Scary Godmother where the Werewolf pretending to die does this drawn out over-dramatic Shakespearian death scene.

ID: hvqdxh7

Big brain Tarkov player

7 : Anonymous2022/02/05 19:03 ID: hvqaan6

That guy was super blind.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/05 22:36 ID: hvqztm7

I managed to kill 6-7 people with a shotgun playing dead in the mall as they rushed to loot the corpses. All around me.

I was walking with a blacked out leg to the extraction zone, accidently threw a grenade at my feet and couldn't run away fast enough.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/05 22:28 ID: hvqyp40

My friend always double taps and now I know why lol

10 : Anonymous2022/02/05 23:18 ID: hvr5dgu

I can never lean that far on the ground

ID: hvr7s82

Hold alt

11 : Anonymous2022/02/05 22:39 ID: hvr06hu

this is just cruel


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