A Haiku about Mario Kart

1 : Anonymous2021/07/12 00:41 ID: oigefn
A Haiku about Mario Kart
2 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:32 ID: h4vfmdi

I am in first place

Everyone is passing me

I am in last place

ID: h4vgn48

This deserves its own post. Well done.

ID: h4vn9ok

Reddit has low bar

For upvoteable content

Bracing for downvotes

ID: h4vujxx

I am in first place

Who the fuck threw that blue shell

I am in last place

ID: h4vsafr

Obviously this post is great but I was always taught the third line is supposed to be a kind of shift of some sort so it could be

I am in first place

The finish line is so close

I am in last place

ID: h4vzh4g

Love Mario Kart

God Dammit shit fuck bastard

Hate Mario Kart

ID: h4vtxl2

Powerful vibes. Got shivers

3 : Anonymous2021/07/12 02:34 ID: h4vmekz

It took me forever to figure out you can destroy a blue shell with a super horn

ID: h4vo72t

Wait it's not called a fart box?

ID: h4vt7uw

I always call it a boom box, but that is changing forever now.

ID: h4vvk03

I feel like everyone’s household had different names for so many of these items.

My gf once exclaimed “I got the golden onion” as she sped by. I had to tell her that they were actually golden mushrooms b/c it’s Mario

ID: h4vubok

You can also dodge them by shrooming when it swoops down

ID: h4vw6gf

I’m suspicious of this advice - it sounds like a lie you tell your younger sibling so you can get even more enjoyment out of blue-shelling them.

“Oh, no, I promise, it works! You must just be timing it wrong. Keep trying!”

Edit: I see from everyone’s comments that it works and I will take you all at your word. My comment was more in regards to the many “helpful tips” that older siblings hand down to younger ones purely for their own amusement.

ID: h4vw4ka

But you have to get the timing perfect its fairly hard to do, I’ve only done it a handful of times.

4 : Anonymous2021/07/12 02:51 ID: h4vo6i1

It's snowing on mount Fuji

ID: h4vzxn9

Damn! Beat me to it by two hours.

ID: h4w7bmx

For the uninitiated…

ID: h4w5n82

Explain please

ID: h4vzzau

Hey there it is.

ID: h4w1ohd

This is what I came here for!

5 : Anonymous2021/07/12 03:04 ID: h4vpg5a

I swear to God, Mike

Pick Rainbow Road one more time

You can't stay the night

ID: h4vuu0l

It’s called a road, it’s called a rainbow road
It is a road that you go...

ID: h4vz2lr

It's a road that you goooo

When you diiiiieeee...

(also thanks for making me feel old)

6 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:31 ID: h4vfhnf

It is the last lap

I am half a track ahead

Wait...shit...God damnit

ID: h4vpd2q

This is my favourite

7 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:31 ID: h4vfg09

The blue shell is an honor

ID: h4voqg5

Sounds like second place propaganda but aight.

ID: h4w5k7x

That's 7th place talk

8 : Anonymous2021/07/12 03:25 ID: h4vrizj

I’m reading all of these the way Jacksfilms reads them on his channel.

ID: h4vy0ov

Honestly that's the best way to read them. It's also easier to know if you succeed in making a haiku.

ID: h4w0ukk

Why count syllables when you can sing a song in your head!

ID: h4vwib4

Same bro

A man of culture

9 : Anonymous2021/07/12 04:35 ID: h4vy1aj

Here comes the blue shell

I wish I had that damn horn

Only bananas

10 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:14 ID: h4vdmhy

Sir, were detecting a massive object emerging from hyperspace.

ID: h4vf0mp


ID: h4vj63a


11 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:02 ID: h4vca28
ID: h4vgc0a


12 : Anonymous2021/07/12 03:11 ID: h4vq59b

Oh wow this is great

I absolutely love it

This brought me to tears c,:

13 : Anonymous2021/07/12 02:59 ID: h4voz8u

I once got blue shelled twice in a row, then red shelled, and still came in 3rd

14 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:38 ID: h4vg87v

A Haiku About Fallout:

Oh, look a Deathclaw

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck

ID: h4vgrez

A counter haiku about Fallout:

Oh, look, a Deathclaw

Explosive Shotgun in hand

Bang, bang, shot him down

ID: h4vre94

Oh look a deathclaw

Fat Man equipped, come at me

Out of mini-nukes


ID: h4vq2h6

Post-war paradise

Sipping some Nuka-Cola

Fuck, I have cancer

ID: h4vt8zy

Oh, look a Deathclaw.

15 : Anonymous2021/07/12 02:19 ID: h4vkq8r




16 : Anonymous2021/07/12 04:58 ID: h4vzxvm

From the thrower's perspective:

Take this, you bastard

You are not winning this race

Now go to last place.

17 : Anonymous2021/07/12 01:32 ID: h4vfls8

Nice Haiku and its so beautiful

18 : Anonymous2021/07/12 00:58 ID: h4vbuhr

Prolly the dude right in front of you.

19 : Anonymous2021/07/12 02:31 ID: h4vm3f9

This is so deep


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