- Happy International VVymyn's Day!
As much as it made me worry for her health at the time, I kinda miss Paige ordering WcDonald's literally every stream.
ID: gq7qkkl -
I bet it was this video that made Pat go "I want to marry this woman!"
ID: gq7huhi"Me must marry mustard VVymyn meow" is what he said after the broadcast was over.
ID: gq8knnkI bet it was him busting a nut during the mustard chug that did it.
Oh god I've never noticed Pat creeping out at 0:37 before now.
ID: gq8kyn9Fucking cryptid Pat.
ID: gq8kp0iThat was Shadow Pat.
So, this is what decades of women's suffrage has led to.
"I don't even use a W, I just put two Vs real real close together."
"You sure do!"
Is this art?
I can't watch this again.
I can't take that kind of damage.
ID: gq84xwsI rewatch this every year.
The really well done “pretending to act natural and failing horribly” acting gets me every time.
This caused me psychological damage.
Realizing Paige is probably related to Kathryn Han or something
Of course she couldn't see us, she's not wearing her glasses again!
Seeing Elmo play with the bag was honestly peak