Get this to Respawn ASAP. There is a bug in Arenas mode right now that lets you crash the server by pinging your ultimate. I’m posting this because it’s going to be found eventually and I might as well let the devs know immediately

1 : Anonymous2021/07/07 15:52 ID: oflp1e
Get this to Respawn ASAP. There is a bug in Arenas mode right now that lets you crash the server by pinging your ultimate. I'm posting this because it's going to be found eventually and I might as well let the devs know immediately
2 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:41 ID: h4dlewz

This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread:

Comment by rspn_exgeniar:

so.... firstly, we are currently deploying the hotfix for this as we type.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We've been trying to be downlow and intentionally not responding to this issue, because acknowledging this is going to put eyes on this exploit. Doing so will cause more pain for...

Comment by rspn_exgeniar:

Nope. Deploying fix now.

Comment by rspn_exgeniar:


Comment by rspn_exgeniar:


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3 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:37 ID: h4dkt88

Well looks like everyone will be buying their ultimate when they are down 0-2

4 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:41 ID: h4dtiw8

What was the specific scenario for it to happen? I always ping my Ultimate is ready as Valk and never had it crash.

ID: h4ebik4

Yeah I’m confused because I’ve pinged my charged ult for both Revenant and Crypto in Arenas before with no crash

ID: h4elhx1

Like someone else said it's only when you have the other bug that doesn't let you ping anything or respond to other pings. I think, in hindsight obviously, they are related.

ID: h4ejx48

It happens whenever pings aren’t working properly in a match, by that I mean when a teammate pings a location and you can’t respond or you can’t ping a weapon or item

ID: h4dw2bv

By using the "My Ultimate's ready!" ping it crashes the server, it shows up as a ping just as your ultimate is done charging

ID: h4e066l

I mean. Is it a certain characte

? Is it maybe a region issue?(Old Rampart bug was Japan exclusive)

5 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:53 ID: h4dv5zg

Did it unknowingly when I was winning 2-0 And then cussed the shi't out of enemy team

ID: h4ernpv


6 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:28 ID: h4eggno

Who needs to DDoS when you can just ping ult!

7 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:41 ID: h4dlaer

so.... firstly, we are currently deploying the hotfix for this as we type.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We've been trying to be downlow and intentionally not responding to this issue, because acknowledging this is going to put eyes on this exploit. Doing so will cause more pain for everyone while the hotfix itself is being prepared, which takes a few days to test on all platforms.

There are alternative nuclear options we could employ if this really gotten out of hand, and no one would have like that option...

In the future, please feel free to DM me serious exploits like this if you want an acknowledgement.

ID: h4dt6fk

just wanted to comment and say that there is a large group of us that understand these things, but aren't vocal on social media. it isn't as easy as "fix it" like a lot of fans demand online. Hope you guys are doing well and aren't getting too stressed out. keep on being awesome!

ID: h4dvilh


ID: h4edvbv

We've been trying to be downlow and intentionally not responding to this issue, because acknowledging this is going to put eyes on this exploit. Doing so will cause more pain for everyone while the hotfix itself is being prepared, which takes a few days to test on all platforms.

This is why players shouldn't use Twitter and Reddit as some sort of posterboard to call Devs or the Anti-Cheating team to look at stuff. If you send it to them through proper channels it'll still end up in their hands without letting a half-million people know it exists and how to do it.

It was the same stuff with the Charge Rifle hack; one person posts it on the front page and suddenly thousands of people are thinking about how fun that would be to try out. Next thing you know, there's 3 posts about the hack per day and the Devs who are working on a fix get overloaded with people calling them out for not fixing a problem the community blatantly proliferated.

Hopefully this doesn't blow up too much because people already complain way too much on here.

ID: h4ehsz6

Wouldn't it then be marvelous if there was a button inside the game "Report a glitch, bug or exploit", which would bring us to a dedicated website where we could:

Upload short video clips Upload multiple images Write textual description of a problem


So, where is that button?

ID: h4efqy9

I don't think this happens all the time. I always ping my ultimate whenever it is ready and it never crashes the server.

ID: h4e4ozf

Just wanted to give my appreciation to you devs who honestly care about the game and the players who are passionate about it (in the appropriate manner).

Please continue to make your best effort to improve the game and influence management at Respawn for the better.

ID: h4el1mj

Make sure to also fix the loading issue with the game. Some of us can't even get into the lobby, while CPU usage is off the charts.

/search?q=infinite+loading&restrict_sr=on" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

8 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:23 ID: h4dix3o

looks like the infamous seg fault if i had to guess

9 : Anonymous2021/07/07 19:16 ID: h4dy7x0

I’m sorry but that’s just funny

10 : Anonymous2021/07/07 20:59 ID: h4ecdsw

Discovered this on the day of the genesis update but never really played Arenas after to consider even using it

11 : Anonymous2021/07/07 22:00 ID: h4ekzkr

I've had this happen as well I was wondering when it was gonna show on reddit.

12 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:03 ID: h4ecxoi

2-0, 1v3. Damn right I’m pulling this off

13 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:58 ID: h4ekr0p

Yes, now let thousands of people know this and use it to their advantage until Respawn fixes it like they're fixing the infinite loading screen.

14 : Anonymous2021/07/07 22:16 ID: h4en6fu

I laughed when I saw this

15 : Anonymous2021/07/07 23:40 ID: h4exl58

Small Apex Bug: instantly fixed

Titanfall 1 being broken for years: IGNORE

16 : Anonymous2021/07/07 16:39 ID: h4dcshz

That’s bad

17 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:26 ID: h4djbyw

this game is a mess

18 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:38 ID: h4ehv80

/comments/oej616/pinging_your_unready_ultimate_in_arenas_crashes/" class="reddit-press-link" target="_blank" rel="noopener">

man and nobody saw mine lol

19 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:49 ID: h4dmf7d

Bro I did it by mistake>>|

20 : Anonymous2021/07/07 16:20 ID: h4da7wd

Wow. I'm not saying they aren't playtesting, but they definitely need to at least playtest in a more realistic environment.

21 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:36 ID: h4dss4w

"Imma make this quick"

22 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:12 ID: h4ee5tr

Big Yikes

23 : Anonymous2021/07/07 16:05 ID: h4d85o8

How is this shit even possible? Are they putting these bugs in on purpose?

ID: h4e2g1a

Yes they are

Youre such a genius

When are you starting your own game dev company so i can invest

24 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:51 ID: h4duxlc

Honestly, I love this game, but I feel stupid for putting so much time and energy into something that is never guaranteed to work properly. There are better things to do with our time

ID: h4e3ave

Life isn't guaranteed to work properly, my friend. The important part is if you're having fun playing the game.

ID: h4eazy1

Maybe, but i feel like it’s better I dedicate my life to something that isn’t intrinsic on something as arbitrary as a virtual server, or video games in general. Imagine if they had kept the TTK change a few months back. All the time and energy collecting cosmetic items for a game that you don’t even like anymore

But you are right. I definitely did enjoy the time I spent on this game however frustrating it may be at this time

25 : Anonymous2021/07/07 19:05 ID: h4dwsj0


26 : Anonymous2021/07/07 20:53 ID: h4ebjvv

Since a dev has replied and acknowledged, I'm downvoting this thread so it falls down the subreddit. OP /

- please consider deleting so that people don't take advantage before it's patched.

ID: h4ep9dd

I thought about deleting it but they said that the fix has already been shipped so I'll keep it up since you can't recreate it anymore.

ID: h4eq672

Yeah, if it's already patched. I wasn't clear on how quick that deployment would take or if they were working on it right now. Good on you though.

27 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:00 ID: h4eckfu

Bruh look at apex compared to titanfall, Apex: oh no minor bug, respawn pls fix now Titanfall: game is getting ddosed constantly too bad respawn doesn’t care at all.

ID: h4ef94k

The money that would go in to fixing titanfall would never get made back due to absolutely miniscule player base. They fix apex asap because they make back the money that went into it much faster since apex is so popular.

ID: h4eq7eo

have you not kept up with how the tf2 player base surged?

28 : Anonymous2021/07/07 21:53 ID: h4ejzf6

Lmao how does this get through quality control? What are the playtesters even doing?

30 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:50 ID: h4dmj38

Can’t wait to use this tonight, thanks OP!

31 : Anonymous2021/07/07 17:43 ID: h4dlkzl

Nope. Deploying fix now.

32 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:05 ID: h4dokwu

Thank you guys for all your work this week. Hopefully EA gives you the support y'all need to finish those harder bug fixes ASAP.

Edit: awh, downvotes, the reddit bandwagon is sad respawn is doing their best despite the limited resources EA let's them use? And is actually communicating with the community, like we have been begging for for the last two years? Y'all are cute. Ask mommy to get some more tendies, you guys are grumpy when you're hungry.

33 : Anonymous2021/07/07 18:12 ID: h4dpir4

I stand corrected then. Good.


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