The injector case is good, actually

1 : Anonymous2022/01/22 18:19 ID: sa8jxk

It's recently become fashionable for every twitch streamer to complain about the injector case being OP. This reminds me a lot of the great Mosin nerf where streamers collectively beat up Nikita until he made bolt actions unviable.

I'd like to state I think the injector case is good, and BSG are smarter than the streamers for having introduced it.

Before the injector case, most stims were never used at all by anyone. Stims were too situational and therefore bringing them into raid would merely result in you dying with the stim unused. This is bad for game development because the game mechanic of stims was simply not being used! Now that people are bringing stims into raid with the injector case, players are regularly play-testing most stims and giving feedback to BSG on how useful they are. BSG can then balance the stims because people are using them (mule stims and green stims have gone up a lot in price recently).

Streamers rarely think through their complaint about "injector case OP" they mostly just complain, but here are the arguments that are made.

1) "it's too easy to stuff looted stims in secure container" Absolute BS. Stims are rare spawns so it's not viable to fill up an empty injector case with EZ loot. Furthermore, most of these EXACT SAME streamers have YouTube loot guides about stuffing EZ reserve loot into a docs case. Folders with intelligence, flash drives, and SAS drives are on average more valuable per slot than stims yet these streamers with their "get rich quick on reserve by stuffing flash drives ito your docs case" somehow never cried that the docs case was overpowered and needed a nerf. Maybe their IRL YouTube income helped...

2) "stims are OP in PVP" if stims are OP then that's a play balance issue of the stim itself, not how many you can bring into raid. BSG needs people to bring stims into raid to balance them, hence the injector case HELPS BSG balance the stims and reduce any OP stims.

But I think there's something else going on here, let me explain. Before the injector case it was risky to bring stims into raid. Newbies wouldn't risk losing a 15k yellow stim (the most commonly used stim). Your typical PVP Chad would bring a yellow stim in but mostly couldn't afford green stims. Only high end STREAMERS could regularly afford green stims - it was THEIR advantage against YOU. But now anyone can have green stims or mule stims in their injector case so streamers have to fight the rest of us on an even playing field -- it's not fair when we use the stims, it's only fair when they do.

So, overall, the injector case is good because it allows players to actually use the stims in raid and BSG to collect feedback on the stims. If stims are overpowered then the stim itself need to be balanced, not the case. And, as usual, BSG are smarter at game design than streamers so support the devs!

EDIT: I've received comments that these complaints aren't happening and/or BSG wouldn't listen. It's worth being aware that the complaining started about a week ago and just this week the injector case received a minor nerf where the barter was moved from Therapist 2 to Therapist 3. So the complaints are real and BSG has already responded with a (small) nerf. BSG will also listen to us, so it's important we politely advocate for our viewpoint too!

2 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:40 ID: hts51rn

Stim case my favorite item this wipe. I've always used morphine at the beginning of raids for the easy 5 min painkill. Then prop is always lovely to have, zaug in case of a quad or triple bleed scenario, a mule if I'm phat, and sj6 to make a nice long getaway or to sprint to resort!

Nicest addition to my butthole in a while.

ID: hts951u




1 mule

That’s been my go to

ID: htsccv0

No L1?

ID: htskahw

Early wipe the injector case saved me after a cultist stabbed me twice, it was one of my most fun raids, I hope BSG don't give in to the whiners who want their edge back!

3 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:50 ID: hts6k95

I see mostly just antagonistic responses but I actually agree with this take. Stims are still very expensive, limited duration, single use items, which I think should be encouraged to use because the risk is still with using the item but maybe dying and having it be a waste. I immediately made the comparison to docs case as well and generally agree, if it's not considered op to have zero risk access to every single locked door on the map why not a few helping hands when it comes to gunfights and other aspects of the game.

4 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:33 ID: htslnu9

it's not fair when we use the stims, it's only fair when they do.

Ex-fucking-actly. This is more proof that streamers/chads only want the game to be "easy" for themselves and not a quality game for everyone. Those MFs have been using those stims every raid for how many years and only now that it is more viable for more people are stims overpowered. I can't wait until BSG adds the possibility of being addicted to stims and/or certain drugs.

ID: htsmdjb

Thank you. This point is the one I'm taking the most heat for, but it's one I think is important for redditors to internalize.

Only 0.1% of Tarkov players got Kappa last wipe. And the only people I know of who regularly had green stims and mule stims last wipe were players who had the kappa container space to store them.

So the elite 0.1% kappa container streamer community complaining that their exclusive privileged stims can now be used by filthy alpha container casuals with injector cases - that sentiment really jerks my chain.

5 : Anonymous2022/01/22 20:02 ID: hts8dbx

100% agree. Love the injector case. I think it opens up lots of gameplay possibilities.

People complaining about the loot confuse me. Cool you got a couple stims worth <100k out in your butt. What's the big deal? I can get way more than that out in my sicc case or docs case

ID: htszjgn

Only time using it to loot is an issue is on labs. It’s not too difficult to get a ton of stims, think it’s a bit busted there but not so much on other maps (for looting at least)

6 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:23 ID: htsk74u

When people are talking about stuffing stims into containers being too easy they probably mean while runnning labs, if you have the keycard you could jam a lot of stims in those containers, maybe enough to make your money back.

7 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:52 ID: htsoiya

Best addition in a while. No need to do anything to it, haven't heard any complaints either so maybe you're just a double agent trying to make people think it's being complained about so much. Just delete the post

8 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:30 ID: htsu8zr

Sucks people complain when they give us something fun to use, whats next sicc case to good, keytool to small. Nobody would use half these stims if it wasn't for the injector case. Now the stims have a potential use in combat.

9 : Anonymous2022/01/22 20:05 ID: hts8tn0

It might just be OP for now, but once BSG introduces toxicity (addiction) for using stims, then it will start to have the counter-effect necessary.

10 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:00 ID: htsgvce

Your third reasoning is 100% why the streamers are complaining about it now. They could afford it before, but now that everyone can it's an issue.

I think 16 is a bit much on the size though. 4 or 8 is what I thought it was going to be when released.

11 : Anonymous2022/01/22 18:33 ID: htruyho

I dont agree... i think its a little op mostly becose of the 1 for 16 ratio. 1 for 8 or 1 for 6.... but one for 16 is just to much. And you talk about the green stim, but there iare stim that reduce damage taken, some that reduce body heat so you dont show up on thermals stims that can make you run for miles. You talk about it was their advantage on you fact is its even more advantageous for them now. 1 ej6 to run non stop to loot spawn, 1 odolbos to reduce damage one mule to bring all the loot to extract. Before they had to risk a stim or something else that the stim took the place of, now they can have 16stims up there ass without risk. No its op 16 is WAY to much for a one square item

ID: htseukf

So they use... 3 whole stims that already fit in their ass just fine? Oh no, better nerf it for everyone.

ID: htsbe00

What's the "they" thing? You can do the same thing...

12 : Anonymous2022/01/22 18:28 ID: htru29e

Kinda reaching there.

Edit: Injector case being great I agree with, your extra bit about the streamers? Off the rails there.

ID: htsb9xn

yeah I've heard literally no one say anything negative about it...

ID: htsepak

And I've only heard negative things about it.

ID: htsm7zt

I have heard plenty people say negative things about it lol Some streamers are actually permanently on Propitals like it's candy.

ID: htsfv7y

They are saying it’s too good Not that it’s bad????????????????????

13 : Anonymous2022/01/22 20:33 ID: htscu7k

Really love how it gives some stim a fighting chance to be used I now carry and use a purple stim. Like definitely not worth a gamma slot or worth bringing it in rig for price but it’s worth having in the case which is cool and makes it useable

14 : Anonymous2022/01/22 20:58 ID: htsgj57

I usually don't run it at all and felt it was kinda useless for my playstyle. The stims are way too situational imo. Better off just bringing some pain meds and premedding for the average player.

I can see in a situation where you want to PvP all the time, it can be too good but overall it's just very situational for the average player.

People saying people stuffing stims in there to sell? Money is one of the easiest thing to make...

15 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:04 ID: htshd64

I agree, haven't played much this wipe but in previous wipes I only brought in a prop of I was going specifically to rush dorms or resort to look for a fight. I'm looking forward to leveling again and actually trying different stims.

16 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:07 ID: htshv0g

i think stim case is great, if youre eod or punisher 6 case or kappa, otherwise its extremely niche, ofc streamers dont know cuz all of em are eod , same reason why they never bitch about jaeger quests

17 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:09 ID: htsi92g

Saying that no one uses injectors is kinda not true at all. Plenty of people use the main injectors mule/etg/prop/sj6 the issue with it now is that u no longer need to leverage container space for what u want to do. Now u just have one for ever situation regardless of space. While I don't think it's op per say I think it needs to be tuned to either have less space or take longer to use them.

18 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:24 ID: htskd4w

I love the stim case. I also think it's fucking busted having it in your container. The problem is on the flip side it'd be completely useless if it couldn't be in your container. I'd be in favor of not being able to add stims to it during a raid personally.

19 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:41 ID: htsmyno

Very true, BSG needs to ignore what the streamers are saying on this one.

20 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:55 ID: htsowhh

cause now they are not the only ones that can use/afford stims, thats why they are mad.

21 : Anonymous2022/01/22 21:56 ID: htsp414

the fact that mosin was nerfed because of those apes is still dumb

22 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:16 ID: htss0y6

You have no idea what you're talking about. I brought in a prop and mule to every raid to use.

23 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:17 ID: htssaml

BSG are smarter than the streamers

this is almost always true in my experience (for any game really)

the devs have information you don't and won't ever have

24 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:18 ID: htssgrh

Agreed, definitely a case of crying about the wrong thing

25 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:30 ID: htsu541

I'm no chad. I'm a dirty little rat boy that loves to bring in low tier items with good ammo like the double barrel with .50 or flachette into a raid. I bought the case a week ago thinking I'm probably never going to need it. I decided to go to dorms one time with a ppsh and a drum mag along with a couple magazines. Ended up taking on a 5 man and ended up deciding to pop a prop. Goodness gracious it came in useful. I ended up killing 7 people solo that raid which was most definitely my best raid yet. I used a mule stim I bought a couple raids back and it helped tremendously with getting the loot from dorms to the factory gate area (zb-011 I think?). Long story short, this has been the best thing to happen to me in awhile. I've used so much propital

26 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:36 ID: htsv4r5

Nice mini medical case for ppl who actually dont own dlc

27 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:43 ID: htsw6kb

On your first point - most stims are worth what, 25-50k to sell on the flea (except for MULES and ETG-C)? That's hardly a ridiculous ROI for being able to stuff them into a case considering you can loot dozens of items on a normal scav run that have a much higher per square sell price.

I think it's an awesome addition to the game

28 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:49 ID: htswzwm

I’m a standard player. No where to put a stim case haha. I barely have room for a docs if I want to bring any ammo.

29 : Anonymous2022/01/22 22:54 ID: htsxr76

Stims are very situational and kinda expensive (for what it is) the ability to have multiple of them only made them viable to carry and use

30 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:08 ID: htszrg2

Give them time. They will nerf it soon enough to 4 slots or something instead of just making it so you can’t put stims in it during raid. Just like people have been saying how good UMP is this wipe. It will end up a tier 4 trade or something so by the time you unlock it it’s no longer viable. The game has to be hard for the people that play it 12 hours a day on stream otherwise it’s not a good game.

31 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:16 ID: htt0zgr


32 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:40 ID: htt4ehk

I hope you weren’t being defensive against the bolt action nerf. Do you remember when mosins were 1 tap to thorax against pretty much any armor? Was unplayable.

33 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:45 ID: htt540d

People were complaining about the injector case? the fuck?

34 : Anonymous2022/01/22 23:48 ID: htt5jq9

The stim case is my favorite part of the wipe and it's not even close. I'm guessing it will get nerfed since anytime I enjoy something in this game it gets nerfed/changed.

35 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:22 ID: hts2cnp

I don't know. Sound more like you are spinning some paranoid fantasy. And I think injector case certainly deserves its place it doesn't need thst many slots.

36 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:33 ID: hts3zzr

I keep 2 morphine, 2 propital, 2 green stime, zangustin, 2 sj6, and a MULE ... and still have room to stuff in all the stims I find in raid lmao that is absolutely unfair. Stims are fianally seeing a use but at the cost of making EVERYONE superhuamans. Im honestly about to start running adrenaline for the fuck of it and have laser beam AKs lol.

Btw when you said "stims are rare spawns" you might be looking in the wrong spots. The amount of stims I've died with in raid and kept have paid for the stimcase itself and it did literally weeks ago. Depending on the map you can leave with multiple morphines and propitals. Once I hit crackhouse on customs and left with 5 morphine in my ass lol thats over 60k in stims alone that I can vendor

Saying shit like only streamer ran greenstims or MUELs laughable. They were probably doing it because anyone who has put in a lot of time into the game knew how broken stims were (streamer or not), now everyone gets to see lol

ID: hts6uda

"I left with 5 morphines in my ass lol that's over 60k in stims alone that I can vendor"

So basically putting a single flash drive or SAS drive in a docs case?

37 : Anonymous2022/01/22 19:39 ID: hts4xcj

This dude hates streamers

ID: hts6jnr

Not at all. But I do hate it when the streamer community jumps into poorly-thought-through groupthink like the Great Mosin Nerf.

ID: htsaody

Off topic: I'm curious about this great mosin nerf. What was it like and what did they do to it?


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