Killed a level 6 with a couch backpack stuffed full of goodies

1 : Anonymous2022/02/20 14:31 ID: sx2ha6

Omitted the username from the screenshots, but here's the story:

Went day Factory with three other friends, we spawned in naked with pistols intending to rush the other couple PMCs and wipe the scavs, then have fun with a knife fight tournament or something... end of the day shenanigans. Spawned in the room near cellar exfil, walked out and someone noticed this FAT PMC with a couch backpack in the glass window corridor. We rushed him and he ran away, I managed to catch up and headshot him with RIP...

I check his rig and see a WHOLE ASS BITCOIN. Immediately grab everything and hightail it to Gate 3, letting my guys know that I am OFFICIALLY OUT

See for yourself:

What the fuck?

If it were just the stacked backpack with shit inside, I might be convinced he'd just accidentally equipped it and brought it into raid, but with that SICC case full of keys?? cheater? but he was really easy to kill though, actually could've wasted me and my friends really easily as were all stark naked with no armor and shit

Surely he didn't bring both the wrong bag AND the wrong rig. This had to be intentional... no?

Edit: before you say he's just storing stuff, remember:

He's level 6, that means no flea He sure as hell didn't find this stuff in raid, SICC case is craft only, isn't it? And he wouldn't be level 6 even if he didn't kill anything, loot xp and playtime XP alone would get him higher in the time it would take to find all this shit manually

Edit 2: yes, as other people have already said, it's possible he's a new player and had a high level friend -- but is it likely?

Edit 3, this is about 3 hours after main post: I posted this in a comment, but I'll add it to the main post for clarity

Since people can't read, HERE VV is the conversation from start to end.

You can clearly see based on the scroll bar and my imgur captions/comments that this is the ENTIRE conversation with NO CUTS.

At all the guys flaming me for my chat with him, here's the full log, you can be your own judge AITA here:

I also want to point out in the few hours since this post he's gone from level 6 to level 15. See screenshot taken three hours ago here against the one I took about 3 hours after the fact above:

While not impossible, I find it unlikely a player good enough at the game to go from 6 to 15 in 3 hours would bring in both the wrong bag and the wrong rig at the same time into a factory raid. You draw your own conclusions.

Yes, while I could have been friendlier, y'all gotta cut me some slack. I've never seen this happen before in the three wipes I've been playing on and off and I'd just scored the loot of my life from what was meant to be a random knife fight raid with some online friends.

I was streaming the conversation over Discord to whoever was in the lobby with me at the time and we were all trying to decide if the guy was an RMTer, based on the fact he had a literal SICC case on him + all the other suspicious keys + everything packed nicely in takedown bags when he was just level 6.

I'll say this: if he is a legitimate player, just happens to be good at the game to (as previously mentioned in this post) make it from level 6 -> level 15 in THREE HOURS, AND he just made an honest mistake to bring in the wrong rig and bag full of stuff he SOMEHOW acquired legitimately, then in hindsight, I feel bad for killing him and I should probably have been nicer to him.

If. But I don't think he meets all of those conditions.


Anyway, I just thought it would be an interesting share. I'm not here to start a fight and certainly not here to bring any extra frustration to your day on top of what Tarkov already gives you. Y'all have a nice day, yeah? I wish all of you cheater-free raids 🙂 so if you die it's just because you got tarkov'd

2 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:33 ID: hxpnxi3

Those barrel attachments don’t make sense, they’re dirt cheap except for a few that are 20k at their best, that’s one shitty rmt-er

ID: hxpq9hq

The Virgin Tarkov Player vs the Chad Muzzle Break Brake Enthusiast

ID: hxqbvfd


ID: hxpzbnn

He said he was rushing experience. Maybe it is just for him to identify all that stuff? Idk weird.

ID: hxq0cyf

That’s so much effort for so little exp lol, literally go headshot a scav and that’s 300exp

ID: hxqiwx7

It's the bag search xp. You can pull over 1k xp just searching a bag in a game if it's loaded. If you party with 3 friends and you all bring a shit bag full of trash, you all drop them and then search every bag. It's an insane amount of xp.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/20 14:34 ID: hxpg5pd

Looks like RMT or a guy who was trying to give his low level friend stuff. Alternatively, guy brought in wrong bag.

If he was ALONE I would say it is more likely that he brought in the wrong bag. But if he was with someone then I'd lean more towards RMT or someone trying to help out their new player friend.

ID: hxpgm41

He spawned in alone. My remaining 3 friends stuck around after that and ran through the office real quick to check the safe, didn't encounter any other player.

Wrong bag... he's level 6 though, when I was level 6 I was using scav guns and PACAs, this man came in with a raid backpack full of good attachments. Also had a rig with a bitcoin and a stuffed SICC case. He wasn't wearing armor or a helmet. SO confused right now. Surely even if he was RMTing he would've fought back? But why would an RMTer be level 6? I've never seen this before.

Also a lot of the shit isn't worth RMTing so no clue what was going on here. Isn't RMT usually stuff like colored keycards / rare keys? This was just as if some guy quitting EFT put his whole inventory into his inventory and brought it in. Keep in mind level 6 = no flea yet as well...

ID: hxpi97m

He probably RMT-ed the previous raid but forgot to unequip the goodies and loaded into your raid lmao.

ID: hxq6b3f

Probably bouncing shit to his alt account before his hacking account gets banned.

ID: hxph6ne

RMT can be anything. Doesn't always have to be keys. Some people just RMT gea

that they don't have access to. Yeah that's why I'm saying he probably brought the wrong bag in because it doesn't really make sense that he is RMTing alone. Its possible that the guy was given stuff from another friend (explains the sicc case) but the other stuff he could have found on scav raids.

Message him and ask lol

4 : Anonymous2022/02/20 14:39 ID: hxpgprz

Being a level 6, I would bet he had a friend drop him stuff. No uncommon at this point in the wipe.

Where he fucked up is that his friend probably gave it to him the raid before, and he forgot to unequip the backpack.

Either way, big riparoonie for him, and the highest of fives for you.

You have his dog tag. Send him. A message and see if he replies.

ID: hxpgw53

I texted him, he told me in Chinese that he f*cked my mom. "CNM" = cao ni ma = f*ck your mom

ID: hxpi6at

Then fuck that guy

ID: hxphaz4

But what did you say to him first? Ty4l00tz

ID: hxpk2ry

probably a bot getting set up to grind. Win for you!

ID: hxplj0y

So RMT then.

Chinese person on non asian server with low level account.

Region lock plz.

ID: hxpr0sg

if he/she doesn’t even want to cooperate then hippity hoppity your loot is now my property xd

ID: hxpt906

Also brushing experience is a dogshit translation on his part, what he’s trying to say is he’s farming experience. Though I’m not entirely sure how and what is plan is exactly doing this lmao

ID: hxq15ob

Enjoy the booty then 🙂

ID: hxpt8w3

He just got boosted... this is such an bs excuses

5 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:20 ID: hxpm1le

He got what he deserved. Looks like someone that paid for that things and forgot to unequip the backpack. Sell the thing that you don't need, and enjoy the rest, Even if get banned you will be ok because you where not in the same team with him.

6 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:47 ID: hxppwkf

This is the second time this kind of incident is posted to the sub.

The previous one showed something similar. A Timmy with a raid backpack full of SAS drives. RMT by all means.

ID: hxpq67o

Oh? I'm not active enough, sorry. Didn't see the first one. Also, wtf? People RMT SAS drives? I know in previous wipes they were used to strength train, because you could stick docs cases full of SAS drives in your case and you'd be overweight. Then people would just run bots that ran in circles or something.

ID: hxprxhs

Nono, it wasn't a complain about your post, don't worry. It was an observation.

Actually it's great people post these stories because we can at least know what's going in with the game. IF it hadn't been for the other video and this post, I would've never thought cheaters were RMT'ing in factory.

ID: hxq10qk

Isn't SAS drives how people cheese their strength?

7 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:01 ID: hxpjkgd

Yeah that's freakin crazy dude... a sicc case FULL of all those good keys is kinda sus for a level 6 to have. Even if his homie gave him all of that... that's a lotttttt of $$ value to be giving away. Very weird

ID: hxpp0iy

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. If the guy was level 40, I'd have just assumed he brought the wrong shit in. But level 6?

No flea Hasn't run enough raids to collect this manually, or he wouldn't be level 6 SICC case?
8 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:55 ID: hxpr2je

Yea Im inclined to believe some RMT happened because you cannot get a SICC case at level 6 no matter how godly you are at tarkov, the only way that happens is if somoene drops one in raid for you

ID: hxprhty

Meh. If some official mod wants his username or more screenshots/proof, DM! 🙂

No footage of the raid though, sorry.

ID: hxprwq7

I definitely think you or whoever said it was right in that it happened in another raid and they just forgot to take that stuff off before going into that factory raid I don't think it actually occurred in the raid you killed them but it definitely looks like an rmt receiver

9 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:53 ID: hxpqp3z

Yeah that's sus as fuck. A legit low level taking his backpack stash into raid wouldn't look like this. It's a bizarre collection of stuff, but the SICC full of keys is very wtf for a level 6.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/20 19:44 ID: hxqooap

Get killed by extract camper, or headshotted after spawn: "Tarkov is hardcore, just get good bro"

Legitimately kill an obvious cheater with a looney tune loadout trying to cheese the game: "you're an asshole dude, why would you do that to him? he's just trying to have fun. you should give his stuff back."

what the fuck, get this community AWAY from me dude.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/20 14:35 ID: hxpga4v

I would just sell anything you won’t use and use the rest. You’re not going to get banned

12 : Anonymous2022/02/20 16:01 ID: hxpry2b

Well, the keys are all intact, and they're not the best keys for reserve, so I bet it was not his friend that was quitting, and tbh the only top tier item here is the sicc case, who brings their M1A with a 14x optic to factory anyway...

ID: hxpszp3

He's level 6.

13 : Anonymous2022/02/20 16:31 ID: hxpwd3l

Damn they really buffed Santa's loot

14 : Anonymous2022/02/20 18:27 ID: hxqdizu

1000% RMT gone wrong.

15 : Anonymous2022/02/20 20:28 ID: hxqv08t

Plot twist: OP paid this guy to 'accidentally' bring in all this stuff and just conveniently wait to be chased down and killed. OP was the RMT-er all along! /s

In all seriousness though I love seeing them make blunders like this. He's almost assuredly a cheater going from 6 to 15 In a few hours. Probably got banned recently and is getting his new account started.

We can only speculate about what in the world he was doing, my best guess is he just fucked up. Cheaters aren't exactly renowned for having higher than room-temperature intelligence.

16 : Anonymous2022/02/20 15:59 ID: hxprnuw

Currently level can confirm not possible to get all this at that level.

Has benefactor me thinks. Probably rmt

17 : Anonymous2022/02/20 17:47 ID: hxq7mig

That is an RMT if I've ever seen one

18 : Anonymous2022/02/20 19:20 ID: hxql9z4

Whoever doesn't think this dude was cheating or rmting probably has like 10 hours and plays with their eyes closed. Dude it buying shit rmt or lvling a new account cause he got his previous one banned by cheating

19 : Anonymous2022/02/20 17:05 ID: hxq1fqr

It’s a cheater’s account and the guy bought it from a catalogue of stacked accounts the cheater has

20 : Anonymous2022/02/20 18:33 ID: hxqehqt

Man? Are people really trying to say you handled this like an asshole???

The dude simply didn't take the time to give an explanation. ANY explanation beyond the nonsense he said.

21 : Anonymous2022/02/20 18:47 ID: hxqghm7

Seems like cheating…

22 : Anonymous2022/02/20 19:10 ID: hxqjv0n

It's simple. If he's legit, then you should approach this as tarkov is a hard game and it's even harder if you don't pay attention, it's not my fault you brought in all this gear and then played like ass.

If he's not legit, you should also keep the gear, because if he's RMT or cheating or something, he doesn't deserve the shit back.

Just keep it

23 : Anonymous2022/02/20 18:13 ID: hxqbi0b

At all the guys flaming me for my chat with him, here's the full log, you can be your own judge AITA here:

I also want to point out in the few hours since this post he's gone from level 6 to level 15. See screenshot taken three hours ago here:

While not impossible, I find it unlikely a player good enough at the game to go from 6 to 15 in 3 hours would bring in both the wrong bag and the wrong rig at the same time into a factory raid. Your draw your own conclusions.


Yes, while I could have been friendlier, y'all gotta cut me some slack. I'd never seen this happen before in the three wipes I've been playing on and off and I'd just scored the loot of my life from what was meant to be a random knife fight raid with some online friends.

I was streaming the conversation over Discord to whoever was in the lobby with me at the time and we were all trying to decide if the guy was an RMTer, based on the fact he had a literal SICC case on him + all the other suspicious keys + everything packed nicely in takedown bags when he was just level 6.

I'll say this: if he is a legitimate player, just happens to be good at the game to (as previously mentioned in this post) make it from level 6 -> level 15 in THREE HOURS, AND he just made an honest mistake to bring in the wrong rig and bag full of stuff he SOMEHOW acquired legitimately, then in hindsight I feel bad for killing him and I should probably have been nicer to him.

While not impossible, I find it unlikely a player good enough at the game to go from 6 to 15 in 3 hours would bring in both the wrong bag and the wrong rig at the same time into a factory raid. You draw your own conclusions.

24 : Anonymous2022/02/20 14:47 ID: hxphqb7

Looks like he is over compensating for something.

25 : Anonymous2022/02/20 16:43 ID: hxpy1jg

Just say it…cheater

26 : Anonymous2022/02/20 17:02 ID: hxq0xby

Some RMT bullshit, no doubt.


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