We’re looking for new moderators. You may apply right in the comments!

1 : Anonymous2021/10/11 22:25 ID: q67gvi

I'm going to keep it short and sweet: /

could use some more basic moderator coverage.

Your job will be simple: Browse the subreddit as you normally would, except, instead of having to report a rule-breaking or spammy post, you may remove the post yourself and leave a comment to the OP as to what rule was broken. I believe the best moderators are always those who browse and care about a subreddit (the ones who vote and report against content that detracts from the quality of a subreddit). Don't be surprised, but sometimes some may dispute your removal of their content. This is normal, and mistakes happen on both sides - if a good argument is made as to why a rule wasn't actually broken, it's possible a post can be re-instated. Just do your best, and you'll settle in in no time!

So, if you'd like to apply, just leave a comment here letting us know you're interested.

2 : Anonymous2021/10/14 13:05 ID: hglugg1

What about when the mods break the rules but it's ok but when a user is not? There has been a lot of abuse during the last 4 years here and i've seen a lot of conflict and misconduct from the administration side. Removing posts completely or shadow banning their posts without even notifying OP is a no-no. I think you should fix that before trying to "hire" new mods.

ID: hgoudmv

What about when the mods break the rules but it's ok but when a user is not?

Bring it up in modmail where all of the other moderators can see it, it will be addressed.

There has been a lot of abuse during the last 4 years here and i've seen a lot of conflict and misconduct from the administration side.

Such as? I've left and come back so I wasn't here for this entire time, but I can look into any problems there have been if they weren't resolved properly.

Removing posts completely or shadow banning their posts without even notifying OP is a no-no. I think you should fix that before trying to "hire" new mods.

Unfortunately, we don't always have time to explain why each and every post is removed - however, with additional moderators on the team that may change.

3 : Anonymous2021/10/12 08:25 ID: hgbyun4

For the love of god, don't pick any of the fanboys or people who "like to debate". Mods are supposed to be neutral and enforce the rules. Nothing more.

ID: hgs48yd

Or people whose identity revolves around being an "AMD gamer." You do not want your moderators being brand loyalists because it just means they will ban and delete anything that is negative to AMD.

And I say that as a huge AMD fanboy

ID: hghloam

I like to debate as much as the next guy... what I don't like is a string of posts where an antagonist aka a troll is just going "no you" until they get a keyboard cramp. I think mods should use their discretion to remove such strings of posts where one or both sides is adamantly wrong in their statements as that doesn't add to the sub.

Being neutral also isn't precluded by enjoying a debate... in fact the better experiences I have had with mods on other subs are those that were open to talking about why they did whatever they did to my post or comment.

The worst kind of mod is one that hides behind the authority they have been given. This is similar to the debate over what the police should be... should they be enforcers or keepers of the peace YOU decide.

ID: hghmw7r

My problem with mods who "like to debate" usually means they like to be right and will ban you to save face. That's very different than actually having a conversation. Quite a lot of us have experienced that on Reddit. Same thing with AMD fanboys. Can you imagine some of the fanboys here with a little power? Nothing good can come of that.

ID: hgcsn34

The biggest issue we've had with many previous /

mods has been inactivity.

It's an unpaid, voluntary position, but still some activity is expected.

ID: hghmi4e

Oh I definitely agree they need to be active.

ID: hgqplt3

Or there is some mods here that spend all of their time to post content, with just a link to an article, like a spammer.

There was one day when someone posted a pedo picture here, the post stayed online multiples hours and a mod was posting links to web articles during all this time.

4 : Anonymous2021/10/11 23:04 ID: hgabsl6

I mod /

already (and tbh we already have too few active mods to handle that sub) but I browse / pretty often so I wouldn't mind helping out a bit with the mod queue here as I do.

5 : Anonymous2021/10/15 00:37 ID: hgoglsi

Interested. Browse every day, have previous moderation experience and imagine myself as a not incompetent person. Am EU TZ.

6 : Anonymous2021/10/23 01:55 ID: hhp271q

Hi there! I'm a tech geek who loves to lurk on reddit. I happened to come across this post and figured I'd throw my hat in the ring.

I don't really post on this sub, but I read it quite frequently. And I wouldn't mind helping out on the moderation side of things either. Right now the only noteworthy sub I mod is

, and to be totally honest, I wouldn't at all mind some more light-hearted modqueue entries to break up the monotony! I'm also a mod on the Apex Legends discord server, but that's not all that relevant.

I've got quite a few years of experience moderating (forums, discord and reddit) and I'm familiar with modtools such as automod and mod toolkit. As mentioned earlier, I'm a pretty big tech nerd and I'm always up to date about the latest developments, so this sub totally fits my personal interests!

7 : Anonymous2021/10/12 03:56 ID: hgbd2ky

Good luck everyone

8 : Anonymous2021/10/12 06:59 ID: hgbt6bj

im interested

9 : Anonymous2021/10/12 11:55 ID: hgcee8i

Im interested!

10 : Anonymous2021/10/13 03:40 ID: hgfxj0a

Been an AMD supporter for years, I'll gladly help out if accepted. I browse

almost every day for the articles and the discussions (good and bad), it's my go-to subreddit.

33 : Anonymous2021/10/15 08:29 ID: hgpstcs

Am interested. I believe I can be objective and a neutral admin focused on enforcing the rules. Been relatively active since 2016. Hawaii TZ.

34 : Anonymous2021/10/15 10:13 ID: hgpzsu4

While I am only a long time lurker here, and don't actively participate. I have been moderating for a well respected tech site's forums for well over a decade.

As an aside: I have been using AMD CPUs since the K6 days. And I would be honored to assist in any capacity, with maintaining the informative, helpful, and friendly community, here.

13 : Anonymous2021/10/17 22:14 ID: hh1e98w

Some moderators shouldn't be moderators. Bans and remove things for dumbest reasons.

14 : Anonymous2021/10/24 01:35 ID: hht6n85

Sure I am now retired so I have time to do stuff.

I am not a big fan of removing posts unless it merits it.

I have worked in IT for over 32 years so I have some patience.

15 : Anonymous2021/10/12 04:33 ID: hgbgzkb

Sure why not, already moddin in pcgamingde, so basic stuff aint hard, plus it would be easier to work against the brigading and misinformation stuff

16 : Anonymous2021/10/12 16:43 ID: hgdfp9b

Would be interested. I'm more of a lurker at the moment, though like to input where I think is beneficial.

17 : Anonymous2021/10/12 03:37 ID: hgbaql2

Interested because I have an all AMD rig and I browse this subreddit regularly. Could provide some help by removing spam and ensuring quality content for the users. I hate spam.

Edit: typo

ID: hgjj3q6

You're being downvoted by the spammers.

ID: hgjj6ke

I figured

18 : Anonymous2021/10/12 00:59 ID: hgapzmw

I'm interested I've been involved in many debates over AMD products over the last 20 years.

I can pick out a bs post in a second.

19 : Anonymous2021/10/12 19:52 ID: hge7dmq

I unfortunately can’t be a moderator so I’ll kindly decline. Thanks for the offer though

ID: hgf3b5g

The benefits and rewards package is second to none, however, we can appreciate your situation in life and wish you the best.

20 : Anonymous2021/10/11 22:33 ID: hga811x

Hello, I would be interested for the time being

21 : Anonymous2021/10/12 05:25 ID: hgblr0i

I browse

often enough. I'd be happy to mod. I like to lurk and just scroll through and look at everything on subs.

22 : Anonymous2021/10/12 21:47 ID: hgeo60e

I've grown really fond of AMD over the last 2 years, their technology have inspired me to develop a further understanding of how components work and im currently in college studying software engineering and i aspire to work in component architechture some day. I follow the pc component market thoroughly just because i scroll components and check their prices for fun even though i already have a good pc(6700xt + 5600x). I also read amd/windows/nvidia/intel driver updates and current issues. I would say i keep myself up to date and i love scrolling through this sub reddit

during my free time to check if theres any new cool posts! Im an amd fanboy for sure, but only because i wish for them to improve and i love their tech, and not because i think they are best in everything. Any ways, would be fun to mod and just show initiative on this sub, im a happy tech passionate guy so if anyone wanna talk just send me a dm :))

ID: hghowoq

component architechture

Consider taking some of the computer engineering classes as filler if that is your interest just take care that you have or have tested out of the prereqs. Most college classes are at about a 70s-80s level of complexity at the undergrad level but almost all of that is still applicable its just gotten much much smaller.

I wont' say switch to a CpE degree... because you are probably better off studying software, if you want to get into the design side of things, you just have to be aware that hardware design isn't software, its software generated hardware which is a subtle but all important distinction.

ID: hghrkys

Oh thats true, thanks for your advice, I suppose its kinda hard to fit the best of both worlds into the relatively small time I have in college. But I'll look into how I can combine the two, thanks again 🙂

23 : Anonymous2021/10/12 22:31 ID: hgeu65x

I would like to apply I have some experience moderating other subreddits and I like this sub and I wouldn't like people breaking the rules and damaging this sub

24 : Anonymous2021/10/13 02:23 ID: hgfodgw

I wouldn't mind

25 : Anonymous2021/10/11 22:40 ID: hga8w8o

Hello, I would like to be a moderator because I like to administrate things, and I'm organized. Also, I like to debate with others. I have the time and I have the passion.

26 : Anonymous2021/10/11 23:52 ID: hgahm38

Sadly i don't have the time, i did in 2016 however. But whoever is picked, just make sure they know a bit about the story behind AMD up until today; and how many companies tried to screw them over and all that lame stuff. History is important.

ID: hgajqol

That shouldn’t matter What should matter is they make sure everyone follows the rules of

27 : Anonymous2021/10/12 04:09 ID: hgbeh96

Make sure you aren't putting any of the 'alternative objective' shills on the mod team that are also moderating nvidia or intel (and deleting legitimate threads that are seen as 'brand negative') .

Also, I would suggest against adding moderators who also happen to be moderating a bunch of other subs. There's often layers of conflicting interest.

ID: hgbewia

I can say that our mod team represents a diverse group of people, but to the best of my knowledge every one of them is an enthusiast and not a paid plant.

ID: hgbfnrp

I think the current mod team does well and I understand why you'd like to add additional mods, I'm just voicing a word of caution because I notice frequent posters on other subs venturing over here when there's a narrative to push.

ID: hgjjjbx

You're being downvoted by people who mod lots of subs. The #1 issue with Reddit is people modding loads of subreddits and using their power to farm karma and manipulate discourse on a large scale. Last thing we need is for mods of the Intel or Nvidia subs to mod this place.

ID: hgmu52d

Oh yeah, I don't doubt that they are upset by my recommendation. There's one mod who insta-bans me from any sub he moderates just because he was wrong and couldn't weasel his way out of it. He happens to be a moderator for almost every community on the subject and protects his friends from valid critique.

28 : Anonymous2021/10/12 04:01 ID: hgbdm1p

I'd love the opportunity to mod here. I also have modding experience in other tech communities.

30 : Anonymous2021/10/14 03:23 ID: hgkihdd

I'm interested in becoming a mod.

31 : Anonymous2021/10/15 02:21 ID: hgoudmv

What about when the mods break the rules but it's ok but when a user is not?

Bring it up in modmail where all of the other moderators can see it, it will be addressed.

There has been a lot of abuse during the last 4 years here and i've seen a lot of conflict and misconduct from the administration side.

Such as? I've left and come back so I wasn't here for this entire time, but I can look into any problems there have been if they weren't resolved properly.

Removing posts completely or shadow banning their posts without even notifying OP is a no-no. I think you should fix that before trying to "hire" new mods.

Unfortunately, we don't always have time to explain why each and every post is removed - however, with additional moderators on the team that may change.

32 : Anonymous2021/10/14 17:11 ID: hgmsr2e

I'm interested. I moderate

but as I like my tech I wouldn't mind helping out in this subreddit. My only concern is expectations as life is a bit busy for me as of late.

35 : Anonymous2021/10/16 03:54 ID: hgtmsg5

I'm interested.

36 : Anonymous2021/10/16 13:29 ID: hguwjjv

I'd love to moderate here & join the team. I'm already an active moderator in another subreddit and have had experience moderating many forums/communities since around 2012. I also administrate a discord server with 7,000+ members. I'm active everyday and can dedicate time to this subreddit. Check my profile! Cheers. 🙂

37 : Anonymous2021/10/12 10:48 ID: hgc8hy9


38 : Anonymous2021/10/13 13:03 ID: hgh86t6


39 : Anonymous2021/10/13 14:54 ID: hghmzzo

I wouldn't mind modding where there is a clear violation of the rules. Haven't been a mod before but have participated in many forums since around 2004 mostly, puppylinux, vcfed.org m68kmla...almost entirely computer related forums and the like.

I support flaired posts over limiting free speech even though on mobile this doesn't help much. I think its annoying for people to come buy the sub to post something that is actually on topic only to find it is rule breaking due to the in crowd getting tired of it whatever it may be... (its been like 4-5 things since I can remember).

40 : Anonymous2021/10/13 19:17 ID: hgiqa2b

I am interested.

41 : Anonymous2021/10/14 00:13 ID: hgjv3ln

I'm interested

42 : Anonymous2021/10/18 16:09 ID: hh4ffix

Sure, I love this subreddit, why not.

43 : Anonymous2021/10/18 18:08 ID: hh4wtou

If I was a moderator, people would be unhappy because I don't ban people.

44 : Anonymous2021/10/19 04:04 ID: hh716ef

I'd apply, but I'm the guy that makes moderators necessary...

45 : Anonymous2021/10/19 22:51 ID: hhak9qx

Sounds interesting, count me in.


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