Cyberpunk 2077 Transmog Feature May Be Coming Soon

1 : Anonymous2022/02/24 19:43 ID: t0jilh
Cyberpunk 2077 Transmog Feature May Be Coming Soon
2 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:03 ID: hya9n6c

What is transmog?

ID: hya9xfb

Making the current armor your wearing look different but keeping the original stats

ID: hyab0lx

Its the abilty to have the stats of one outfit and the aesthetic of another.

ID: hyas92x

So……the feature that Spider-Man had at launch?

ID: hyaxgr7

Make your armor look like any armor. It's for fashion.

3 : Anonymous2022/02/24 19:51 ID: hya7nmp

That's awesome. My V looks like he took all the drugs before he dressed himself.

ID: hyah6wx

Agreed. Male V walking around with a bra and open jacket just feels wrong.

4 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:34 ID: hyael44

When do you actually get to see your character wear the outfit you dressed them in? Isn't the game entirely first person including the cutscenes?

ID: hyafagw

When your driving a motorcycle or in mirrors etc.

ID: hyagcbt

Oh that's good to know. So you can actually see yourself in mirrors in the world, or is it just the one in your apartment where you have to turn it on?

ID: hyahn0t

Driving around, some cutscenes, when you look at the inventory management-which happens a lot.

ID: hyakr9b

Photo mode, punk!

ID: hyaryoh

You can see arms/sleeves, pants and shoes during some interactions, in mirrors, on a motorcycle, and often in the inventory menu

5 : Anonymous2022/02/24 22:23 ID: hyaw88k

Am i the only one who doesn't care about cosmetics in first person games?

ID: hyb8xs4

When I first started the game I was like, hell yeah make him look like me! Then after playing 20 hours I realised it meant nothing and I should've just made a cool looking character.. Then I realised it doesn't matter either way unless you stare at yourself in a mirror!

6 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:35 ID: hyaohgb

Cool. Now start working on 3rd person view bruh.

ID: hyb30wo

Only if they have an option to keep some of the incredibly janky movement animations

ID: hyaw4qo

Yep 3rd person would be amazing

ID: hyb2y5e

yeah, first person somehow really takes me out of the experience during the more quiet parts of the game

ID: hyb6kfw

The game simply isn’t built for it.

ID: hyb5scg

Seems like one of those features that everyone's been asking for so much that there's no way they can ignore it. I admire the commitment to the stylistic decision to some extent, but at this point it's just stubborn. Almost everyone would enjoy the game immensely more if they could play in third person, even just for walking around and general exploration. If you don't want to upset the tailor made first person animations for every single minor interaction and combat move then fine, only do it for walking/running and force people back into first person for combat and curscenes.

7 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:40 ID: hyapdcd

I don't understand why this isn't universal in every game with RPG mechanics.

ID: hyb0go4

Like Ultrawide options.

ID: hyb87da

Some find it less immersive. Like myself.

8 : Anonymous2022/02/24 21:13 ID: hyakx10

Coming Soon, a Cyberpunk 2077 trademark.

9 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:10 ID: hyaaslg

In a first person game...please focus on more important features.

ID: hyah178

No I need this. I know you really only see V while equipping armor but I KNOW V looks like a complete idiot and that needs to change!

ID: hyakeel

You see your character every time you open your inventory or ride a motorcycle.

And the clothes look super goofy. It's needed.

ID: hyaifis

I am in that boat for sure, but at the same time this game needed this feature like freaking last year.

You open up the inventory system to change your current clown costume set up, and you'll see it... You then close out the inventory system, but you the player knew what you saw. You can't help but remember how you look. You're always updating that clown costume because of the Min-Max stat# Destiny loot system to make yet another clown costume.

Either we get a transmog system, or we get a version of the game where we don't have to worry about this stat increase b****. Make it more like Deus Ex with just the focus going to the talent trees. Unfortunately the transmong system will be the fastest way. It's also best to assume it's going to f*** break every time though.

ID: hyaky1n

Life is first person... why do people focus on what they look like?

ID: hyalgq1

Because of the judgement of others, in this game no one judges your clothing.

10 : Anonymous2022/02/24 20:11 ID: hyaawos

So, skins.

ID: hyaiqf3

Skins, layered armor, transmogrification. It's been a years long feature for several games by now. Cyberpunk 2077 could have definitely benefited of having this last year.

11 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:36 ID: hyb72qq

I’m excited. I’ve always been a bigger fan of Transmog than Cismog.

12 : Anonymous2022/02/24 23:49 ID: hyb8ywp

Can you transmog into a better game?


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