Windows Update randomly overwriting 21.5.2 display driver with 6 month old version

1 : Anonymous2021/05/25 14:59 ID: nkrqsr
Windows Update randomly overwriting 21.5.2 display driver with 6 month old version
2 : Anonymous2021/05/25 15:05 ID: gzedbnq

Happened twice to me, you have to manually disable driver updates via group policy. The usual way of disabling just doesn't seem to work.

ID: gzfbu08

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case.

You can find out following the steps below:

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware Ids Copy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfeg4h


ID: gzfjggl
ID: gzfkzpu


ID: gzfssi8

happened to me today, Reference RX 6800 from official AMD store PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C3

ID: gzfoag4


ID: gzfg8vj


ID: gzfo52x

Reports on this happening are widespread, especially for Renoir laptops. But also for various other products.

ID: gzee0pi

Weird. I have never disabled anything via group policy and have never had AMD driver updated. Maybe it's because I used DDU once and selected the disable driver update ?

ID: gzeeirh

I've also used DDU multiple times and driver updates are long disabled, but Windows has done its thing the second time in a row, so I had to do it via group policy. Not sure why or how, probably some Windows glitch.

ID: gzeva71

Where do I access this group policy dealio?

ID: gzf2ibh

You require a Windows Pro license to access it but if you have it then here's how:

Click Start

Type in "gpedit"

Click "Edit group policy"

Navigate to: "Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - Windows Components - Windows Update"

Double click on "Do not include drivers with Windows Updates"

Click Enabled

Click OK

Close Group Policy Editor and reboot your PC

ID: gzedq3t

yea I have it disabled in system settings, but... windows 10

I really hate windows 10

ID: gzexdrj

welcomes you

3 : Anonymous2021/05/25 15:09 ID: gzedrya

I thinks it's because 21.4.2 is Microsoft certified and considered "Stable" where 21.5.2 is not Microsoft certified yet, and therefore is considered "Edge/Nightly". So Microsoft update runs, and grabs the driver it thinks is right, even though Radeon is telling you it isn't.

ID: gzesonh

And sometimes MS has their driver database jacked up.

On my laptop, Windows will keep installing a 2015 Intel graphics driver version over the 2019 version.

ID: gzfoe14

I think it is rather that AMD has their driver versioning messed up which confuses Windows.

ID: gzek4nb

You propably meant 21.4.1 which is WHQL Recommended. 21.4.2 does not exists.

ID: gzef3xc

Windows shoved 20.12.1 on my system tho which is from December.

ID: gzfilqw

Wow; that is jaw droppingly shit design.

4 : Anonymous2021/05/25 15:15 ID: gzeel6c

Dude, that just happened to me too 10mins ago. I had no idea why my screen went black for a moment until I saw your post. Bruh.

ID: gzfcfs4

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case. You can find out following the steps below:

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware Ids Copy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfea6e

This just happened to me when I booted into Windows 10, about 5 minutes ago.


I was watching Youtube, boom black screen, now I can't launch Radeon Software because my software and driver versions do not match. So I can't even update. I'm trying to fix it by doing a reinstall (instead of DDU).

ID: gzfgg2m

Had the same problem yesterday, thought my second monitor died at first lol.

Will send the device ID when i'm back home.

ID: gzeexrf

lol my screen also turned off like 5 times and explorer.exe crashed, I wasn't pleased

5 : Anonymous2021/05/25 19:12 ID: gzfc2it

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case. You can find out following the steps below:

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware IdsCopy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfeyfa

My display drivers got replaced randomly by windows update today. I'm using 6900xt.


ID: gzfh25d

Awesome, thank you for the quick response!

6 : Anonymous2021/05/25 16:02 ID: gzel8uc

This just happened to me as well. I also had to use Group Policy to stop Windows Update from replacing the driver.

ID: gzfcf5k

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case. You can find out following the steps below:

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware Ids Copy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfijxu



7 : Anonymous2021/05/25 19:30 ID: gzfeo7e

Disable Windows.

8 : Anonymous2021/05/25 16:12 ID: gzemkc8

This just happened to me last night I thought my gpu was dying.

ID: gzfcxka

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case. You can find out following the steps below:

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware Ids Copy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfj1lh


Here you go I hope this can help and this happened to me while I was watching videos on youtube 6800 xt reference.

9 : Anonymous2021/05/25 20:45 ID: gzfonz2

I am so tired of how broken Windows updates have been for at least the past year. I mean, normally they're pretty bad, but now it seems like they're just YOLOing the whole thing.

10 : Anonymous2021/05/25 18:20 ID: gzf4dh3

Randomly happened in the middle of a Valorant Competitive, Screen went black and my refresh rate was 60Hz, I couldn't access radeon settings and had to reboot.

ID: gzfcwvv

Hey, can you check what your Device ID is? Development is trying to determine if this is a specific case. You can find out following the steps below:

For your case, select your AMD APU, not your Nvidia GPU.

Open Device Manager Display Adapters > GPU > Right-Click > Properties Details > Hardware Ids Copy the first value and reply to me here, which should look like this: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_73BF&SUBSYS_0E3A1002&REV_C0


ID: gzfaqpi


11 : Anonymous2021/05/25 17:06 ID: gzeu6ie

I also got messed by Windows update forcing an AMD driver on me overnight. Took me 45 mins to get things back to where I wanted them...

12 : Anonymous2021/05/25 16:38 ID: gzeqabp

It happened to me twice and Radeon settings wouldn't open after that. Rolling back the driver to the latest version and disabling driver update fixed it

13 : Anonymous2021/05/25 16:40 ID: gzeqio1

Happened to me too. For now I just clicked the "disable updates for 7 days" button in case Microsoft fixes this quickly.

ID: gzev1tw

Yeah that or regularly pausing updates up to the maximum of 35 days avoids a lot of day-one problems with updates. I think it is best practice right now considering the recent history of Windows Update kerfuffles, even if it's better on average today compared to a few years back.

14 : Anonymous2021/05/25 18:01 ID: gzf1sd0

Many years ago, I think it was 17.7.1 or 17.1.1 there was an AMD driver that was stuck as what windows update would force if you had a radeon GPU. It would overwrite anything and the only way to stop it was to stop windows update automatically. See of course the problem is, that driver was broken. It was bad for everyone, for my dad's system in particular it made the system completely nonfunctional. And yet for at least a period of 6 months if you ran windows update with a radeon GPU it installed it.

It's not the only case of windows update fixating on a bad driver for AMD GPUs. But it was the earliest one I know of, and the one that impacted me or those I knew the most. And that is why I don't let things automatically update.

15 : Anonymous2021/05/25 19:15 ID: gzfcls5

I already wondered that the hell the display flickering, explorer crashing and windows device removal sound was about, turns out I got this "Update" too.

16 : Anonymous2021/05/25 19:46 ID: gzfgvjr

This windows update fucked up. Had to reinstall Radeon software

17 : Anonymous2021/05/25 15:48 ID: gzej81e

Happened to me too today.

18 : Anonymous2021/05/25 17:31 ID: gzexllo

It does that to me literally with every driver for my Gpu

19 : Anonymous2021/05/25 17:41 ID: gzeyzzn

What peace of Software is this?


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