I wanted to try Cry of Fear, another one in a long line of horror game recommendations.

1 : Anonymous2021/03/06 11:49 ID: lz00yp
I wanted to try Cry of Fear, another one in a long line of horror game recommendations.
2 : Anonymous2021/03/06 12:50 ID: gpxwago

This is one of my favourite horror games and the one that has definitely scared me the most.

ID: gpxwoli

Is it, yea? Horror games are not for me, but I keep getting them recommended to me. I must say this one is at least trying. I am so envious of those who get scared while playing horror games :/

3 : Anonymous2021/03/06 13:29 ID: gpy2xxd

I need to give this game another try, got halfway through the game and had to reformat my drive, wiped out all my saves and progress in game

ID: gpy6wp2

Why the hell not?! (:

4 : Anonymous2021/03/06 16:56 ID: gpzdyrc

I tried this game several years ago, but it kept crashing at a particular point and I just uninstalled it and forgot about it. I might actually go back and give it another shot!

ID: gpze6k3

I am happy to have given you that push 🙂 More games is always better than fewer! (:

5 : Anonymous2021/03/06 17:40 ID: gpzllhz

CoF feels a little clunky nowadays, but damn is it a masterpiece.

6 : Anonymous2021/03/06 19:29 ID: gq02x3o

If you wanna try a legitimately scary horror game that has excellent subtly try visage


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