Commie Station 5.

1 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:42 ID: niv6g2
Commie Station 5.
2 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:53 ID: gz3y1wh

That's ironic...

3 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:48 ID: gz3xint

Ourstation 5

ID: gz42cwt

Somebody give this man a gold lmao.

ID: gz42udo

Only if he shares.

ID: gz46klg

There you gold

4 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:45 ID: gz43i2z

Nothing says crush capitalism like free advertising for a Japanese Keiretsu on reddit

5 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:16 ID: gz40gb8

Karl Marx is rolling in his grave

6 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:50 ID: gz3xpnh

Unlike communism, it's unable to murder millions.

ID: gz43onw

If they release it in stores on black Friday this year you might be eating your words.

7 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:09 ID: gz3zq6d

This is not YOUR playstation. No. It is OUR playstation Comrade!

8 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:55 ID: gz3ybwo

Equal Paystation*

9 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:53 ID: gz3y1cf

I need a ancom station V

10 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:48 ID: gz3xjea

The handle for the sickle is pretty short, no?

11 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:48 ID: gz3xii0

*stands to attention*


ID: gz40pao

... I need to save that link for future responses.

12 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:54 ID: gz44hax


13 : Anonymous2021/05/23 01:00 ID: gz450gu

If this was the only PS5 left, I would but it but those side panels are coming off lol.

14 : Anonymous2021/05/23 01:02 ID: gz4583s

Everyone gets same game. No complaining. Is good game. You will legally have to like. No problem.

15 : Anonymous2021/05/23 01:05 ID: gz45jiz

Now you only need a Red Alert 2 port to experience this console to the fullest.

16 : Anonymous2021/05/23 01:27 ID: gz47qhk

In soviet Russia, station plays play.

ID: gz48hv5


17 : Anonymous2021/05/23 01:36 ID: gz48ntr

communstation 5

18 : Anonymous2021/05/22 23:56 ID: gz3yfob

At least the developers were justly compensated for a change

19 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:39 ID: gz42uit

1v1, whoever wins will be able to eat today

20 : Anonymous2021/05/23 00:10 ID: gz3zw2l

Drago !!


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