“Yeah I’d like to think of my self as a semi-professional tier Apex player, Aceu is only a bit better than me” REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年10月4日 Apex Legends
I may be horrendously awful, but it’s still a 3v1 clutch REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年10月4日 Apex Legends
Can respawn please fix this code:snake bug before my brother wakes up?? ✌😔 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月30日 Apex Legends
They HATE ME, right!? PULLING people of the map is still waaaaay too FUNNY! 😂 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月30日 Apex Legends
A friend from work saw I was having a bad day and left me a note. Made me laugh. Sorry Wattson mains. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月30日 Apex Legends
How am I supposed to rank up in Arenas with such low RP wins? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月27日 Apex Legends
Apparently respawn really thinks people want to pay $10 for their HoloSprays 😂😂 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月27日 Apex Legends
I think it’s time we seriously consider something like this REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月19日 Apex Legends
Like seriously, if fart-men can’t be hurt by each other’s gas, then how the hell not can Wattsons pass each other’s fences without getting damaged? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月19日 Apex Legends
I think its safe to say this is the cycle for each big update REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月19日 Apex Legends
I refuse to believe EA Support is real “Once you uninstall apex you lose all your progress” ????? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月19日 Apex Legends
RAMPART MAINS REJOICE!! (breaks doors as well) (pick me up mom I’m scared) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月15日 Apex Legends
My little Wraith main has moved on to Revenant… and added her little sister as her Pathfinder duo partner! ❤️Honestly glad she wanted a store bought this year, I teach now so I don’t have the time to make one this year 😳 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月15日 Apex Legends
Apex Legends Evolution Collection Event – Discussion & Support Megathread REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月15日 Apex Legends
This is becoming a joke now, it’s been 10 seasons of the same thing over and over again. How can it break every single time? It’s not like we get active update every season, it’s like an update every 3 months yet somehow manage to constantly die each time. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月15日 Apex Legends
how ramparts heirloom is actually going to look like REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月12日 Apex Legends
I’m probably the last to know, but since when is there this tunnel on Kings Canyon? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月12日 Apex Legends
Apex Legends Evolution Collection Event – Patch Notes REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月12日 Apex Legends
The Aim Drift Bonus for the Sentinel with all stocks REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月8日 Apex Legends
Haven’t seen an invisible wall like this since FIFA 96 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月8日 Apex Legends
Almost 600 points a day required to earn all the rewards, is this the grindiest flash event yet? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年9月8日 Apex Legends