I can’t wait for Fragment to be gone next season. Do you feel the same? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月4日 Apex Legends
Titanfall Fans Should Be Happy With The New Bloodhound Skin :D REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月4日 Apex Legends
Legit don’t understand why every new legend gets a wallhack. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月4日 Apex Legends
It is now confirmed that Maggie’s drill can go through Gibby shields REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年2月4日 Apex Legends
I liked the little reference to Fuse’s ultimate only doing 5 damage on impact and no burn damage. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月28日 Apex Legends
Is it just my video quality or did Maggie actually flip him off and Apex censored it? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月28日 Apex Legends
This scene for the trailer reminded me of a certain meme template REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月28日 Apex Legends
This math teacher gave better advice then 99% of the pros REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月24日 Apex Legends
What is the legend you are afraid of the most in a 3v3? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月20日 Apex Legends
Pinging doors allows you to see when they’re opened, even if you can’t see the actual door REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月20日 Apex Legends
“You’ve been playing since launch! Wow you must be insane at the game!” Me: Yep 🥲 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月16日 Apex Legends
The loot balls are tired of being destroyed. They are revolting. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月12日 Apex Legends
Made a Wingman prototype with the reload mechanism and sounds. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月12日 Apex Legends
Apex Legends Dark Depths Event – Discussion & Support Megathread REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月12日 Apex Legends
r/ApexLegends Moderator Applications – January 2022 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月12日 Apex Legends
How old were you when you realized The VK-47 Flatline is a bullpup AK-47 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月9日 Apex Legends
Do you have a minute to talk about our Lord and saviour REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月9日 Apex Legends
Discover Habitat and More in the Dark Depths Event coming January 11th REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2022年1月9日 Apex Legends