Cyberpunk 2077 was a disappointment but man the graphics are incredible REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Mandes dad finds out that Gnaske plays Caustic/Crypto REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Where did 21 years go? I can still hear the music like it was yesterday! What was your first game? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
I may be colorblind but I know heirloom shards when I see them! Thank you Respawn! Now just to wait for Forge’s heirloom! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
To my favorite community, I finally did it!❤️🖤🧡🤍🤎💜💚💙💛 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Saw this posted in the Titanfall sub. I would say the same logic applies to Apex REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Well if that wasn’t close. We even ended up winning the game. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
who needs Caustic barrels when you have Loba boutique REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Daily General Questions & Tech Support Megathread | March 08, 2021 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
Saw a Few Apex/Overwatch Character Comparisons, so I Made a Complete One. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月9日 Apex Legends
EU Officially Approves Microsoft’s Bethesda Acquisition REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
The Tragedy of Dawn of War 3; I still up to this day can’t get over the fact how they messed up the 3rd installment in this groundbreaking series… We’re long overdue for a remaster of the 1st game. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Games that aren’t Mario Kart/Party that lead to this level of arguments? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
It appears that the Microsoft – Zenimax merger has been approved in the EU REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
I’ve met Pewds in real life and he was really humble and kinda awkward which was funny to see, but he’s turns into a new being in his music videos REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
And he never watched PewDiePie in front of his mom again REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
[WTB] Asus Strix G15, rtx 3070, recommend any good sites? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends