Apex Legends Listing For Nintendo Switch on eShop! Requires 15.2 GB! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Adulting makes playing even 4 hours difficult, I WANT MORE ! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
So hyped for apex on switch. Will people play it in cross-platform or turn it off for switch vs switch action? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
I’m in a wheelchair, build stairs all around me like some sorta inverted pyramid REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
how many of you remember ‘star wars: the phantom menace’ on playstation 1? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
First nice weekend of the year. The decision was easy REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Needing players who are down to grind ranked for the next 20 days until s5 drops REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
My first game on a carried some jerk on solo que. Ended up with 10 kills and red evo and need people to play with😂. Drop your gamertag and add me : JackGoffHard REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Best ‘Glitch’ n God of War – Instant stun grab Valkyrie Kara [Video] REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
After all these years and it still works! They need a remaster of LOTR games and Godzilla destroy all monsters. Fantastic games till this day! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Gamer News
This didn’t get much love from the main sub so I thought you guys might like it REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
*REMINDER* If you’re struggling with solo q, there’s a subreddit called r/ApexLFG that can help you find the right teammates for you. The more people join it, the more will find someone to play with and therefore the sub will work better REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
How do you think cross-platform play will change Apex? When do you think it will actually be implemented, or if it will be at all? [link in comments] REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Is this the most recent version of the xim apex? I recently updated it but I am still missing a lot of features that I see in xim YouTube videos. Help would be appreciated :) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends