Found an old friend in Last Epoch today. Always pleasantly surprised to see our thunder lad cameo somewhere. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
What Kind Of Game Did Cyberpunk 2077 Turn Out To Be, Anyway? [SPOILERS] – Noah Caldwell-Gervais REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 PS5
[EU] Girl Plat player who needs a decent mate or mates to push to diamond. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends announces Console port to Nintendo Switch REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Outriders
Third Party Police are looking for friendly, team focused players in EU and US to play with REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Behold the metal 40k shit that is the next Doom DLC artwork REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Resident Evil
Ah yes, another satisfied costumer that got a new subscription! REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
This is the original Serious Sam TFE disc with hindi subtitles and writings on it. Curious as to what other games have it. This is my treasure, I’ve had this since 2000 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Looking for cool people to run ranked. Doesn’t matter who. I’m play but have an alt account I can run lower ranks on too REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
[NA] Gold rank 3 aiming to make it to at least Diamond 1 or 2. Looking for chill but focused teammates, who see consistent improvement as a top priority. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
If I didn’t know any better, I’d say this thing was sentient. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Resident Evil
Spike in cpu and ram usage because of this need help. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Im a curious Playstation player who grew up on the N64 REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
(12.1) broke the 3-way tie on 2nd place, 0.4s off WR now REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Dragon Ball FighterZ – Gogeta [SS4] Release Date Trailer (March 12th) REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
Anybody seen what time(and time zone) the release drops? REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
“Call of DOOM: Black Warfare” V2 update has been released REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Resident Evil
[PS4]. Hey I’m (M31) looking for someone who might be able to teach me the basics of this game. I’m not terrible and get some kills each round despite knowing nothing. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
I never thought I’d be as decent as I am. I still see plenty of room for improvement as well. This is my 1 year transformation. Here’s a short video of 2 games compared(no commentary or text). REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think the audio is worse than ever and just gets worse every season. REDDIT GAME TRANSLATION | 2021年3月8日 Apex Legends